<p>i like to think that middlesex and groton because of their small size are like the top liberal arts colleges like swarthmore and amherst and HADES like the iveis. all of them are great schools and are practically identical on boarding school review when it comes to stats. are the schools like the comparison or amerherst/ swarthmore to ivy or am i way off base?</p>
<p>I think it is safe to say that both Middlesex and Groton are on par with the larger top schools. It’s a size difference really. Sort of like Dartmouth, as the smallest Ivy, compared to Harvard.</p>
<p>Size is a misleading determinant of quality. A smaller school may not offer quite as many academic and/or extra-curricular choices, but what it does offer can be as good or BETTER than what a larger school offers. So, would an applicant who’s interest in literature, for instance, feel inadequately prepared in the subject if the smaller school he attends is particularly strong in that field? – undoubtedly not!</p>