minimum grade requirements for the final approval of deferral

Hello! My brother and I were accepted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and our deferrals were conditionally approved on the basis that we maintain our academic performances. We both are currently in the final year of our A-levels (senior year of high school in U.S). In our AS-Level (Junior year of high school), i had 3A’s and 1B while my brother had 2B’s and 2C’s. My question is that is there a minimum grade requirements for the final year if we get C’s or above so then it’s fine and our deferral would be 100% approved? (As we both have different grades and “maintaining” academic performance looks different for both of us)

In most cases the recommendation is no Ds, Fs or Felonies. If possible get the Cs up, but if you are very nervous I would contact the college to verify.

@“Erin’s Dad” Alright. Thank you, Sir.

Id say 2 grades less than your predicted grade is fine. Any lower you will probably have a problem. But id try to do as well as possible still because a levels will still matter afterward.