Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

The Eartha Kitt version of Santa Baby is one of my favorites. The Ally McBeal version was pretty fun, too.

The narrator of Santa Baby might be shallow/materialistic but she’s the one doing the asking. Not in the same camp as the creepy lyrics to Baby It’s Cold Outside.

Several years ago, the very talented performers on Glee did a version of “Baby It’s Cold Outside”…you can find it on YouTube or get the Christmas Special Glee video.

@Golfgr8 , That touching performance is what I think about every time I hear the song.
So, while I get the controversy and agree that the lyrics are creepy if I think about it, usually the song brings me Glee.

Eartha Kitt Santa Baby is my favorite too, and I love Ally McBeal as well.

Baby It’s Cold Outside lyrics can be considered creepy, but some duet versions handle it better.

I like Agree button, but I think we need Hugs button more.

Not sure what the difference is between like and agree buttons.

Maybe instead of a “disagree” button they could title it “smile and nod”…

@carpoolingma …same for me and DD…very sweet rendition by the Glee cast members =((

Man, you would not believe the tomatoes I"ve had to dodge on FB since post #3573.

I’ve sort of made it my holiday crusade to comment when anyone posts a “but what about rap music”/“but what about ‘50 Shades of Grey’” argument in support of “Baby It’s Cold Outside” (or more commonly, to criticize anyone who questions the appropriateness of the song in modern times). People don’t seem to be amused. I’ve been told that I must have trouble attracting women, that I can’t allow my daughter’s to listen to Kelis’ “Milkshake”, etc. Yes, it’s been fun.

FWIW, I think this VOX piece does a good job of highlighting how it’s not really a black and white issue:

I’m a fun person, really…I promise! :wink:

"“but what about rap music”/“but what about ‘50 Shades of Grey’”

I’m very selective in what rap I listen to because a lot of it is misogynistic. And, hell no to 50 Shades of Grey. Utter schlock in addition to the premise. I’m consistent and fun, too, @SevenDad. :smiley: Thanks for posting the article.

From the article: " The original score even lists the man’s part as “Wolf” and the woman’s part as “Mouse,” making the predator/prey dynamic creepily explicit."

For those of us old enough to remember and appreciate…check out on YouTube or Spotify…the Christmas Songs and Christmas Cheer of Les Paul and Mary Ford. True genius at work on that electric guitar! Waiting for the cold snap to hit on Christmas Eve so DH will make me eggnog with bourbon as we listen to our favorite non-Christmas song by Les Paul “How High The Moon”…for all you kiddies out there…listen to Les Paul play some Christmas songs on his guitar and you will understand us older folks a bit! =D>

Ok, from the Vox piece I found this gem,

“You reserve the right to say no”

Thanks for the Vox piece. I didn’t expect to read Trump mentioned in there.

and this came up on my social media feed,

Baby, Just Go Outside

Wolf and Mouse! Yikes.

New subject - there may be a thread, but…I was looking online at summer programs and it seems that some of the programs have earlier deadlines for applications than in previous years. Some are mid-January. Other programs have the course catalogues coming out in a few days. Has anyone else been looking this early? I am looking for a Chemistry course over the summer to gear up for AP Chem…It is cheaper to take one at the local community college, so this may be the way to go. Please PM me if you have answers or advice. Thanks! [-O<

No answers but while you looking…we are looking for a summer program if some sort that takes place entirely in June. Have you seen anything that fits the bill?

Trying to find summer opportunities for my 14 year kids also. During lunch time, I search the internet every day. When they get home then they will take part in the search.

Both my local flagships, in Colorado and in Texas, have research experience programs for high school students. They were open in February or March and somewhat competitive due to popularity. DS2 participated and enjoyed the one at the University of Colorado (Science Discovery). I preferred commuting programs to residential ones due to obvious reason.

Our son preferred to spend his unsupervised summers sleeping, lounging, playing, and wasting as much time as possible. If your kid is dying to attend a summer program, go for it, but if finding a program is sparked by concern for college admissions, the supposed ills of idle time, or fears of a teenager left alone while you work, I say let it go. These summers are probably the last ones they’ll have to just be kids. Let them.

@ChoatieMom’s son is a layabout and a wastrel. Well-known fact. ?

Skills that came in soooo handy at West Point.

Thank you @ChoatieMom …I was beginning to think our allowing DS to be completely unproductive over the summer would alert the CPS authorities of our poor parenting.

This may still be the case, but I will explain to them that he is enrolled in the summer program called “Exploration of Youth” and lack of any productivity is a requirement. The less you do, the better your performance scores are!