Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

He might be able to. I’m Russian myself and live in the US. My parents came back here from a work trip to Russia right about the end of February - 28th, if I remember correctly. Travel restrictions and everything else was already imposed by then. It was very stressful and tiring, but they got out.

They flew through Turkey, I am pretty sure. But it wasn’t without its difficulties. I think your child’s roommate can get out, but it will cost time and money. Another thing to keep in mind is that it might not be favorable for him to come back to Russia for a while. At least until things die down a little bit. If Russia decides to completely close its borders or if he gets conscripted (depending on his age) during his time in Russia, it will definitely be even worse.


turkey and ME airlines are still flying to Russia

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Do send offs / drop offs ever get easier?? Each one feels worse to me!! Kiddo1 is such a delight when she’s home (proof that the sacrifice of BS is worth it), so I especially hate seeing her go. And with Kiddo2 heading off next year, it will be an empty nest soon. :cry: Is it too early for a cocktail??


Never. :cocktail:

I feel for you, @cityran. It got harder on me, too, as the years went by. I was not expecting that.

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Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that my kiddo #2 was waitlisted.


@cityran , harder each time. And the “homing” is less frequent and for shorter periods so whatthe departures signal is clear. Of course, I am delighted that he’s happy and independent but yes, my heart breaks each time.

File under “nobody told me…!!!”


I only have one child, and wondering how I can let him go this coming year. He is ready, but I’m not.


Big hugs to you. Been there.

Not gonna lie. It is hard letting an only - or any - child go. But you can totally do this, ready or not. You do it for your kid, and the payoff starts coming pretty quickly, by the first family weekend.

Let yourself feel all the feels. Come here and vent. It will be ok. Promise.

Oh, and you still have 6 months to enjoy with your kid and get yourself ready. Savor them. But know you still will have your kid even when they aren’t living with you.


Exactly right, I’m doing it for him, not for me! His educational opportunities where we live are not great, so for him it’s an opportunity of a lifetime.


I get it, it’s hard, but how can you hold him back?
I have two daughters in BS and our relationship has never been better!


It’s so incredibly difficult letting them go, but it is truly worth it! Within minutes of kiddo1’s arrival at school, I was reminded why we make this sacrifice. She texted me her about (great!) trimester grades, emails from teachers with both praise and recommendations on how to improve exam scores, and a story about a friend offering to help her with a difficult situation. She truly would not be this same incredible person had she stayed at home. Looking forward to watching Kiddo2 tap into his potential in the next 4 years too!


I feel the same pain. I have one at boarding and one starting in the fall at different school. I have my youngest still home, but he is really sad they are not going to be there to play with him. The youngest already feels lost knowing it’s just going to be us. The older kids are the baby’s biggest supporters and the baby says his older siblings should go but it is definitely hard for all of us already.

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I have #1 going to college and #2 and #3 going to boarding school -all starting this fall. I am going from full nest to empty nest (4 yrs early). I know i will be sad but i know they will all have amazing experiences and grow so much. it does help that we’ve worked from home (for ourselves) for last 7 years so have spent ENORMOUS amounts of time with them (and have spent weeks travelling together in the summers) and actually enjoyed our lockdown time at home. For all that togetherness, i am grateful as they begin their journeys


Congrats to all who managed to suppress the urge to type a response to the allegation that they were lazy, unloving, uncaring, neglectful parents.

Well, yeah, I am, thank you, and more - that’s why my kid wanted to get away from me.


I failed miserably at that.


I regret wasting any time on that thread. I’m just sorry that offensive click-bait will remain in the CC archives.


I know - but ir was “oh so hard” not to engage… I should have wasted my time over a nice cocktail instead. The thread got locked just as I was asking what was (her?) skin in the game. It sounded too personal and resentful.


Oh, Thurston, could you please adjust the umbrella in my drink, dear…


(Let’s get back to enjoying our child-free lives, shall we?)


HOLY SMOKES. So happy I was away on vacation during that, umm, thread. I mean don’t get me wrong - I’m always happy when I’m away on vacation but that…that was next level. Happy I missed it.


I couldn’t help myself. But I always figure in times like these that some lurker is sincerely trying to garner info, so I can’t leave those inaccurate statements just hanging out there.

If it helps, I wrote with a beer in hand for some of it.