Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

The swirl and dump is definitely something I’m familiar with. Definitely interested to hear where the microfilm comes from. Maybe it sloughs off from the glass?

Totally agreed about starting the kids out right!

As for my wife, she has other qualities.

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Not all of us…

Then again, I was in Germany on a layover for a while. Shame I didn’t exploit their lax drinking laws.

Enjoy your cocktails, some of us have to work :wink:


A wonderful gin to try is Barr Hill Tom Cat gin. We like to mix it with ginger ale, but you could use it however you like to use gin!


That microfilm of ice on a well made martini is absolute magic.

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For gin lovers, I highly recommend this (I’m not a gin lover - to say the least - but it is really, really good).

FYI, I enjoy gin but am not enough of an enthusiast to contribute much to this conversation. However, this recent thread is the reason I keep purusing Misc Ramblings from time to time. There are many people on here I would love to have a drink with, preferably at their home bar, especially @ChoatieMom and her husband.

Thank you for the good info, and please carry on!

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I’m in if it’s a craft IPA or red wine.

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The ChoatieBar is open to all Misc Ramblings regulars. Anytime, just pull up a stool and tell DH what yer havin.’


Pinot noir! A generous pour, please, as we’re waiting to get DD’22 off of college waitlist hell. :wink:


Best IPA is Tree House, which, I am sure you know, recently added a location in … Deerfield!


I have seen it but not yet been.

Speaking of waitlist hell, just talked to my kiddo at DA. She said the talk amongst the kids is that most siblings seem to have been waitlisted this year. At least my kiddo #2 is in good company.

I’m a Maine Beer Co enthusiast, with their Post Ride Snack being my favorite (and of course the ever popular Lunch).

Excellent choices. I got on the Tree House bandwagon a few years ago. I was skeptical at first but then found myself driving two hours each way to Charlton for special occasions. Green is my favorite. Alas, DD did not get into Deerfield, so no “kill two birds with one stone” trips for me!

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I’ll have to look for Tree House.

Funny about driving two hours for special occasions. Our favorite “restaurant near a BS” is at a different school than ours. Oops. But we still go from time to time!


Lawrenceville is now mask-optional!!!’

Happy for the LV kids. Does that leave PA as the last masked school? (last communique was that if Thursday/Friday - yesterday - testing went well PA would be mask optional…but no word since then).

Oh foolish one. Groton will be masked till the cows come home. I’d better buy some cows and donate them to the school.

What’s utterly absurd about the masks at this point is that they are not “effective” at all since the kids haven’t been wearing them properly this whole year. To pretend otherwise is foolishness.


Sorry to hear about Groton. And yes, sadly science has long since left the building.