MIT Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Some additional comments…Nothing is absolute when it comes to admissions and this is just my impression based on knowing many kids who are going to or were just admitted to MIT. All the kids I know were very good academically. They also had either very significant accomplishments, were athletics recruits, and/or were URMs.

Regarding the comment on MOP, I know a MOPer that didn’t get in (had other issues) and I know many olympiads in various areas that both did and didn’t get in (mostly did). I also know some who had strong accomplishments who never qualified for any olympiad.

Regarding the above comment about Asians, I personally believe that MIT does not care if you are white, Asian or mixed asian/white. As long as you are not URM, it’s all the same and the chips will fall where they may. And if you are URM, you still have to be very good academically and have some strong EC accounting for opportunities at your HS.