<p>Despite feeling like I probably won't get in, I did end up heading up to Berkeley to check out the school... Berkeley was a huge culture shock for me (to be fair, all I saw was People's Park and what you see right when you get off the freeway), and it feels really dirty. Apparently a lot of girls at Cal rely on the campus police just to get them from point a to point b because the campus/area around campus is so dangerous... </p>
<p>I was really hoping I'd go to Berkeley, a sort of "dream" reach of mine, and feel... I don't know... Excited about college. But the exact opposite happened... I am now totally dreading school. I felt so small and nervous, and I'm scared to live in a dorm... And I'm petrified just thinking about living in a city... Will I have privacy? Can I make phone calls privately, or are my room mates always going to be there? Do you get to apply make up in the bathroom? These questions are really stupid, I know... But I'm scared...</p>
<p>And I'm afraid that if I do end up living in a dorm that my relationship could become strained... All of my love, effort, and time goes into my partner, and I love it that way... I'm just so scared of everything... And I have no friends outside of my partner as it is, so how am I supposed to make new ones in a big, intimidating environment? I don't even think I want friends!</p>
<p>I thought I'd be able to find a match for me, and I thought visiting Berkeley might be invigorating, but I think I might just be a scared, doe-eyed, small-town girl. I'm so scared I'll never leave this tiny town... I get nervous driving down the street as it is, how do you drive in a city? </p>
<p>I never thought I'd end up feeling like this... But I'm absolutely terrified. I'm nervous about living with other people because I'm pretty antisocial, worried that I won't get to spend enough time with my partner, and even worried I'll revert to being a baby and feel unable to live away from home... My parents have always been extremely protective (I wasn't allowed to watch tv or play outside) and now I feel like the whole world is terrifying and like I'm too stupid to handle anything... My SAT scores prove the former... :|</p>
<p>Gosh, I'm sorry, this wasn't meant to read like a melodramatic blog... I just feel really depressed and nervous about going to school, and I feel like I should have more figured out about who I am before I do all of this... Has anyone felt like this? Did any of the college students on this site feel like they were afraid or homesick? Can anyone give me any advice??</p>
<p>Thank you, and I apologize again for the length of this post...</p>