mixed-race - Asian/Caucasian - college applicant

Does being of mixed race, Chinese/Caucasian, put me at a disadvantage when applying to college? If so, then which
should I check on the application - Asian , white, or mixed? <:-P

Whichever one you want.

Any more than just Asian, or just white? For most colleges, no, not in any statistically significant way, IMO. But there may be some colleges you are targeting where Asians are underrepresented.

My D is 1/2 Indian and 1/2 Caucasian. She checks all boxes that apply…or no boxes if optional. There is a point at which we overthink all of this!

OP, it really depends on schools you apply to. If your target schools are mostly selective ones where there is a large competitive Asian applicants pool then not checking Asian may help your chances (assuming your last name is not a give away Asian name).

stick with white