<p>yea i agree marines920...his "innocent" first posts have unwraveled into a name-calling, jumping to conclusion, berating scheme. I nth the request...</p>
<p>He was joking. He had to be. He praised Hitler and said he wanted to be just like him. C'mon that is ridiculous. You would have to be seriously out of your mind. We all fell for it. Let the mods take care of it and ban him. </p>
<p>Look at the bright side ever since hitting the apex of his delusions, I haven't heard much nor is he the last reponse in any part of the board I looked at. I think he's gone!!! Hooray haha.</p>
<p>UGH U GUYS DON'T WORRY. just remember that he probably won't amount to much-- tells me he wished he could have a job in the pharmacy as a senior but can't pass the "test" on the unicru (the cvs application machine) that asks questions like, on a scale of one to 5, do you consider yourself irate?</p>
<p>projected income.. we tod dead.</p>
<p>Don't ban him, I like the funny!</p>
<p>Yeah... I agree with starman.. he is pretty entertaining.</p>