Mods, please do us a favor and ban Zero X

<p>Dear Moderator,</p>

<p>This is an engineering board and Zero X, a deluded and a self grandiose individual has reduced it to a "get rich scheme" board. He keeps talking about reaching his "targeted income" which has nothing to do with engineering or education. His posts have cluttered the boards with useless and inane topics like "engineering vs. Pharmacy" among others. So I urge you to ban the user or delete all his posts so that this board can regain a sense of normalcy.

<p>I second this request. I can't believe I wasted time answering his posts.</p>

<p>I third the request. I tried to help him, and when I suggested that he might open a small business to attain his "targeted income level" of 1 million dollars (very silly), he:</p>

<p>a) Ignored me.
b) Called me racist.</p>

<p>Apparently telling someone something they don't want to hear is racist.</p>

<p>aye aye. His overarching stupidity is amazing. Example: He wants to be a manager straight out of undergrad college. He never wants to have a boss.</p>

<p>ya,i agree with illini. I think he's just basically here to make fun of us and waste our time.</p>

<p>I completly agree
to zero x you are a ZERO ha! ha!

<p>anyhoo He is very annoying and i second all the points made</p>


<p>seriously. anyone not want to ban zero x?</p>

<p>It seems like engineering vs. pharmacy isn't the only thing turning into racism around is investment banking and finance...EVERY MAJOR SPARKS RACISM!!! (Followed by me jumping off a cliff and falling onto jagged rocks)</p>

<p>This racism stuff HAS TO STOP. Academic majors should not be associated with racism.</p>

<p>Even I agree now, he's gone over the edge. Ban him.</p>

<p>He has to be doing this as a lame joke that only he finds funny...</p>

<p>"a student could be smart but don't like school, hence the bad GPA and do GoOD on Test and its an indicator on how sucessful they are in life."</p>

<p>"i want to be an investment banker"</p>

<p>he is teh n00b.</p>

<p>I concur . . .</p>

<p>i'm sick of zero x always criticizing everyone. nobody likes him</p>

<p>Zero X is bordering on insanity, everyone please ignore him and Mods please please BAN HIM.</p>

<p>i suggest you email the mods. I did so right after he got me banned
maybe then he will be banned

<p>I concur with the mentioned request, he is incredibly ignorant and offensive to others on this board.</p>

<p>Read the TOS. If someone is offensive, click the little "report offensive post" button and email the moderators that way. </p>

<p>ZEROX is obnoxious - no disagreement there. Just the method.</p>

<p>In the meanwhile, just ignore him. Responding to his comments and threads only fuels the fire.</p>

<p>All he did was ask average salary one should expect and this is how you react.</p>

<p>VTBoy.. look at all his posts. He accuses people of being racist for no reason, he wants to earn a lot of money and gives no consideration about the job, he's a blithering idiot that didn't know what a GPA was, and he gives false information. Don't defend him without looking at the full picture.</p>