
<p>This was not quite the test that I thought it'd be, but let's try it anyway :]</p>

<p>The</a> Morality Test</p>

<p>Anyway, I got dead center for Politically Liberal/Conservative, ~75% Socially Liberal, and 62% "Overall Moral Attitudes" [from 1-99, 99 is most liberal].
For the OCEAN/CDIDC bit, I got super O, barely C, super E, mostly D, and mostly N.
Yay, and this site knows nothing of my morals! Just my personality and social/political views! Lol.</p>

<p>I lean politically liberal, definitely socially liberal, 64% liberal</p>

<p>For OCEAN/CDIDC, I got super C (odd), mostly D, mostly E, mostly A, mostly C</p>

<p>This is kinda odd, lol, but helpful in procrastinating! :D</p>

<p>I’d describe myself as a Libratarian even though I’m not American. too bad that party has so many nut-jobs</p>

<p>[The</a> Morality Test: Results](<a href=“The Big Five Project Personality Test - Free Online Assessment | Discover Your Traits”>The Big Five Project Personality Test - Free Online Assessment | Discover Your Traits)</p>

<p>totally different from my advanced personality test.</p>

<p>57% liberal which I think is about right, I’m fairly moderate.</p>

<p>[The</a> Morality Test: Results](<a href=“The Big Five Project Personality Test - Free Online Assessment | Discover Your Traits”>The Big Five Project Personality Test - Free Online Assessment | Discover Your Traits)</p>

<p>My moral results:
* You tend to hold progressive/liberal values, but are more traditional on some aspects.
* When it comes to social morals, you feel that society’s current laws are generally fair, but could be more flexible.
* You believe that government is too conservative and would prefer it to change several of its political and practices.</p>

<p>My Personality Result:
* You are relatively open to new experiences.
* You probably have a messy desk!
* You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.
* You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable.
* You are generally relaxed.</p>

<p>sounds about right to me</p>

<p>lmao i also got 62% overall</p>

<p>80% politically liberal
43% socially</p>

<p>thats true, i tend to be more conservative on social issues but more liberal on government policy</p>

<p>70% liberal.</p>

<pre><code>* You tend to hold progressive/liberal values, but are more traditional on some aspects.

  • When it comes to social morals, you feel that society’s current laws need to be more liberal and flexibile across the board.

  • You believe that government is too conservative and would prefer it to change several of its political and practices.

  • You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

  • You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon.

  • You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.

  • You tend to consider the feelings of others.

  • You aren’t particularly nervous, nor calm.

<p>I’m 47% liberal and 53% conservative–a true moderate after all! :D</p>

<p>(listed is the one it’s closest to – so I’m super open and super calm, for example)</p>

<p>93% Open to New Experiences</p>

<p>83% Conscientious</p>

<p>42% Introverted</p>

<p>69% Agreeable </p>

<p>1% Calm </p>


<p>Politically Conservative
70% </p>

<p>Politically Liberal</p>

<p>Socially Conservative
94% </p>

<p>Socially Liberal</p>

<p>Overall Conservative
76% </p>

<p>Overall Liberal</p>

<p>mmm the test was kinda hard because i’m a huge relativist so i wanted to just be in the middle for everything (to avoid saying that anything was absolutely ‘right’ or ‘wrong’) but i just did stuff according to my own value systemmmm</p>



<p>specifics: morality=75 & political=72 & social=86 & o=80 & c=41 & e=42 & a=17 & n=66
where o = openness, c = conscientiousness, e = extroversion, a = agreeableness (lol!), n = nervousness</p>

<p>72% political conservative
44% socially conservative</p>

<p>58% overall conservative</p>

<p>70% closeminded, 58% conscientious, 59% extraverted, 79% agreeable, 63% calm/relaxed</p>

<p>82% social liberal, 91% political liberal 90% overall liberal 41% open minded, 74% Conscientious, 12% extravert, 38% agreeable, 60% nervous/high strung, 82% liberal, 18% conservative.</p>

<p>84% Liberal Overall.</p>

<p>Moral Stance:
[ul][<em>]Your values are liberal and progressive; you tend to be tolerant of different views.
[</em>] When it comes to social morals, you feel that society’s current laws are too restrictive and are much too conservative.
[li] You believe that government is too conservative and would prefer it to change several of its political and practices.[/ul]</p>[/li]
<p>Personality Traits:
[ul] [<em>] You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.
[</em>] You are well-organized, and are reliable.
[<em>] You are neither particularly social or reserved.
[</em>] You find it easy to criticize others.
[*] You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.[/ul]</p>

<p>52% Liberal</p>

<p>Moral Attitudes</p>

<pre><code>* Your values are neither extremely traditional nor particularly progressive.

  • When it comes to social morals, you feel that society’s current laws need to be more flexible in some areas.
  • You believe that the government’s current positions are generally acceptable, but you would prefer it to change several of its policies and practices.


<pre><code>* You are somewhat conventional.

  • You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon.
  • You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.
  • You find it easy to criticize others.
  • You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.




<p>60% liberal</p>

<p>about right</p>