More Beautiful Campus: Brown or Dartmouth?

<p>Which campus do you think is prettier and why?</p>

<p>Well, it’s an apples and oranges comparison. If you like urban, Brown will look better to you. If you like a campus surrounded by woods, Dartmouth will look great to you.</p>

<p>I like Brown’s campus, which I don’t think of as precisely “urban” in the modern sense of concrete. Think small tree-lined streets, 100 or 200-yr old old clapboard and brick buildings. Like a scaled down version of Cambridge before they rebuilt Harvard Square. It has a very New England kind of charm.</p>

<p>I also would not describe Dartmouth’s campus as “surrounded by trees,” since it is actually bounded by a river and a New England town, of which D’s green serves as a large scale version of the classic town center green and D’s buildings and church serve as the classic white clapboard and brick buildings surrounding it. The campus does feature a magnificent array of very old and majestic specimen trees. And of course, several miles away you will find yourself in the woods. </p>

<p>Maybe it’s a matter of perspective on the tree thing! :)</p>

<p>Both campuses are actually very New England in nature: one in the charming part of an old New England city, the other in a classic New England town.</p>

<p>Personally, I’m newly astonished by how beautiful D is every time I go there. I think it is definitely more beautiful than Brown.</p>



<p>I wouldn’t even call it a town. It’s more like a street and a half.</p>

<p>I have to say the buildings at Dartmouth are beautifully maintained both on the outside and inside. (I found Brown to be messy and not as well maintained) While Brown is a great school, my vote is for Dartmouth -it is beautiful.</p>

<p>Brown sits right in the middle of Providence = urban.</p>

<p>Dartmouth (and Hanover) sits right in the middle of the woods = surrounded by trees.</p>

<p>Google search on the phrase “Dartmouth by air” and watch that video. You see for yourself what I mean by surrounded by trees.</p>

<p>As I said, it is a matter of perspective. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>When someone says “urban,” I think Manhattan. When someone says “surrounded by trees,” I take it literally. Possibly because when I look out the window I literally am surrounded by trees.</p>

<p>I’m not saying you are wrong, I’m simply offering a slightly different perspective.</p>

<p>I graduated from Dartmouth in '08 and absolutely loved it. It was gorgeous. Brown is also phenomenally beautiful. They’re both gorgeous- so it’s a wash.</p>

<p>Brown may be beautiful, but it can’t compare to Dartmouth :)</p>



<p>I agree. My main comparison school is Harvard, and Dartmouth does a better job of presenting a neat and polished campus. Harvard, by comparison, is a little thrown together and beat up looking. Not that Harvard is bad. It’s still an attractive enough school, but Dartmouth definitely looks better.</p>

<p>Brown has the problem of not having an iconic campus image. The most memorable, unfortunately, is that towering, brutalist science-IT building. Dartmouth has the green and Baker Library, as well as Dartmouth Hall. All amazing in the Fall and Winter.
Dartmouth wins on this one.
Consolation’s comment about how struck one is coming back to Dartmouth resonates with me.</p>

<p>Dartmouth has the more “beautiful” campus.</p>

<p>Brown’s campus is kind of unkempt, with older, unrenovated buildings.</p>

<p>That doesn’t mean Brown’s campus is necessarily “bad.” I like how it is close to Providence and I like the architecture. But Dartmouth is more so that typical, beautiful New England campus.</p>

<p>Dartmouth’s campus pretty much defines “pretty”</p>

<p>and it is very definitely surrounded by trees - you can’t get to the river without going through the woods and on the other side of the “street and a half” is - woods.</p>