More financial aid needed...

<p>I was offered a total of nearly $15000 in in the form of loans and grants, however, for a student from Minnesota such as myself, estimated costs for the upcoming year are at around $19000.</p>

<p>If I request some bigger loans, will it be possible to receive them? I'm broke, and my parents don't make that much money.</p>

<p>EDIT: I realize I should call the Financial Aid Office and ask them, however I am just curious at the moment. I'll give them a call when they open up later today.</p>

<p>Check with your nearest local UW Alumni Club. They offer some $$$ but you need to apply directly with them.</p>

<p>How do you figure 19k?</p>

<p>Is this something I can do later on when the school year begins?</p>

<p>No, typically they take apps right now and give out the awards in June or July. Looks like the deadline just passed. I'd call them and see if you can still submit one. Scroll down the page.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Hmm, the Phoenix chapter offers a scholarship but there's no info about it. It just tells you how to donate to their fund...</p>

<p>I should email the leader and ask him perhaps >:)</p>

<p>A little initiative is always good. Our chapter gets a list of all the accepted students and sends them an email about the scholarships. Usually only about 10 apply and 3-4 get money ($2000-$2500). Good odds I think.</p>

<p>Also, don't worry too much- to this day I can't figure out where the nonexistent funds came from for my college education eons ago. I was on an extremely tight budget, but somehow my parents could find the money for the needed things. There are savings when kids leave- food, water, electricity, car... and the things they would pay for if no matter where you are. Go for the funds you can get and enjoy your summer. Last year they said $17,270 including misc and travel for instate...the difference must be what Minnesota charges for its instate tuition.</p>

<p>A summer job should mean at least a couple of grand in savings for school.</p>

<p>^ True, but if I work too much, won't that negatively affect my financial aid?</p>

<p>EDIT: Sorry... That could be a REALLY dumb question...</p>

<p>No- they won't penalize you for making money this summer. In fact, I recommend trying to earn as much as possible- it could give you more spending money or mean less in loans to pay off eventually... It also gives you something to do and makes you appreciate not having minimum wage jobs later- an incentive to keep up the grades in college.</p>

<p>^ But doesn't the amount of financial aid I receive depend on how much my parents and I make? </p>

<p>I work part time at Best Buy, and I've probably made like 2-3K since the new fiscal year. If I work even more over the summer, won't I receive significantly less aid the following year?</p>

<p>Sorry, just want some clarification.</p>

<p>I guess one of the reasons why I didn't get full aid this year was because I messed up on my FAFSA and had to send in a correction pretty late (late February).</p>

<p>Next year, I'll have more accurate estimates of total income and process my FAFSA earlier and better since I've gotten my first 1040 forms.</p>

<p>I mean, c'mon, my Student Aid Report stated that the EFC (Expected Family Contribution) was zero... :(</p>

<p>How do you figure 19k?</p>

<p>Minnesota Resident... Estimated Total: $18,868 </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>If I need more money, it looks like I'll have to apply for the PLUS loan.</p>