More things for resume? Stand out?

<p>I need a big project or something more for my resume. I have all of junior year and sophomore summer to do it. I like ballet, things for low income familys, dance, things about children with disabilities...anything?</p>

<p>Search in your local community for projects that need volunteers. Select one that you’ll enjoy and can pour yourself into. Don’t worry about its “resume worthiness” – that’s a sham. The voluntarism is the actual value.</p>

<p>Any nonprofit that has a mission you care deeply about is a good place to start. Spend this summer working with their clients and getting to know the organization. And while you are doing that, figure out how you can add value that goes beyond simply showing up and helping out (which is important, but lots of people are doing it). Is there a business function you are interested in?: finance, marketing, technology, fund-raising, program evaluation and outcomes measurement. Get involved there over the school year and into next summer. Do they have information needs about their clientele that you can turn into a research project that would help them and let you use/develop new skills? Can you use your computer skills to help them automate manual functions, develop reporting, upgrade their website, or stream-line their record-keeping? Do you belong to other organizations that might be good partners for this organization? Churches and schools are sometimes interested in finding partners for projects. Is there a way you can be an ambassador for this organization in your school to raise its visibility among students who might also want to volunteer the next year - but will need training from an experienced volunteer? Are the work processes for volunteers sufficiently documented and if not, can you help with that?</p>

<p>There are a thousand ways that a smart, motivated and above-all caring volunteer can help a non-profit serve its clients better - but to do that, they have to know the organization reasonably well and have earned the management’s trust. </p>

<p>And yes, there are lots of side benefits: as minor as a good letter of recommendation and an interesting college essay - but possibly as great as the discovery a passion that drives your educational and professional goals well into the future and an invaluable learning experience that changes the way you see your world.</p>