Most Frustrating Thing about High School

In terms of school work, its bullshit assignments and teachers. Teachers that assign busy work or are vague about assignments or have completely unrealistic expectations of their students. Also, special treatment for lazy kids. These kids get excused from assignments or are graded easier or get special privileges. Its not fair for them to get rewarded for their lack of work ethic.

@chloeplef Kids with IEP, as they call it in Ohio. They get their tests read to them and are guided through it. Is this how college will be? I totally feel you!

This is something that has been bugging me big time. I don’t mean to offend anyone who is super involved in the sciences/math because they genuinely like these subjects. I live in the “rich” suburbs where all the Asians’ parents are either math/science professors or have really good connections with math/science professors. It’s SO UNFAIR that they start all this science research before they even start high school and then go on to place in state/national science fairs just because they have connections and their mentors are like family friends or something. They get help at home on these subjects and they take expensive math/science tutoring classes and find the material in AP classes easier just because of that.

I wouldn’t want to change anything about how I have been doing things, because I love where I am from. My background inspires me to study hard and work diligently.

But it’s so frustrating because these people will probably be evaluated with the same criteria as me since we go to the same school! I hope admissions officers look beyond these things. Hm.

^^^nothing against Asians-- I am South Asian and have a lot of Asian friends haha.

Send an email to the math/science professors and ask them to use their labs or partner up with the Asian.

The drama with student. It’s not as bad as middle school, but still annoying. In my first high school, it was always “she said this” “he dumped her” it was impossible to focus! The high school I’m in now is actually rated worse, but the kids get along better.

Teachers who make you take notes in a very specific way, then grade you on how well you used their model.
In English class my teachers always make us use “Cornell Notes,” only its some kind of weird variation that looks nothing like actual Cornell Notes.

Honestly, I couldn’t care less about drama. I can understand why some people don’t like it, but personally, I’ve never been bothered by it. Maybe because I got too used to drama in middle school…

The most frustrating thing about school is the stress. I want to do really well in school because I want to be very successful, but I can’t stand all the work that I have to do. I hate balancing work and extracurriculars with my free time, I want high school to be a time that I enjoy, but at the same time I want to work hard to get into a good college.

The obsession over “brand-name” colleges like Ivies. In all honesty, going to Harvard does not guarantee a success and vice versa. I go to an extremely competitive school and it kind of shocked me because I wasn’t prepared for people I hardly knew to ask what my GPA is and how many AP’s I’m taking. A lot of the time it kind of feels like everyone is just doing whatever they think it takes to get into an Ivy rather than what they actually like doing.

How every class has a major test/paper/assignment due in the days preceding spring break.

I have a Lit essay, 5 Unit exams, a bone mastery,and a HW check all before spring break. I wouldn’t mind having work over spring break… Teachers think they’re being nice haha. “No work over spring break” they say proudly.

True story @CanadianBrigade‌

@IAmNotCreativ Haha I used to remember Cornell notes. Everyone joked that Cornell doesn’t even use them.

I hate Cornell Notes with all my heart. :blush:

Unorganized teachers.
Rude students, fat-shaming, skinny-shaming, income-shaming, grade-shaming, indirect shaming, people that can’t take hints…
I could go on, but oh well. Focus on the positives! Ap classes! hahaha…

-Teachers who give preferential treatment.
-AP physics
-Teachers who think they’re the hottest thing since sliced bread(apush teacher:we understand you scored a 36 on your act. you tell us every day)
-AP physics
-People who judge you by your class rank( some girl ranked who ranked 9 in our class literally walked up to me, asked for my rank(19/600something), laughed and went back to her top ten friends)
-Teachers who change policies in the middle of the year without letting you know(ex:my ap computer science teacher took work late for full credit all year, but out of no where she starts giving 0’s without even telling us…)
-AP physics

@Gatortristan Ooh, I hate when people judge you on your class rank, too.

Lol about AP Physics. What’s the worst part about that class?

Oh i gave up trying to learn in that class like octoberish haha. I’ll probably actually still pass the exam with a 3, but we have about a full lab report every week and tests that make me want to crawl in a ball and cry lol and this is only ap physics 1. Our teacher is a history major who never planned on teaching the class until the old teacher left a couple days before school started.

Teachers who complain kids talk to much, then proceed to go on 40 minute tangents when someone asks them about there weekend or family.

My high school ranks the special ed kids. F*cking Texas.

Having to write my own transcripts…