<p>My recent interest has moved on to hilarious websites.</p>
<p>I'll start:</p>
<p>Name: <a href="http://www.asdf.com%5B/url%5D">www.asdf.com</a>
Description: 'True' defination of asdf.</p>
<p>I thought <a href="http://www.yagoohoogle.com/%5B/url%5D">http://www.yagoohoogle.com/</a> was pretty hilarious as well!</p>
<p><a href="http://www.urbandictionary.com%5B/url%5D">www.urbandictionary.com</a></p>
then go to Toons then Magical Trevor
<p>I had no idea that was popular. We play that song in my AP Physics class all the time</p>
<p><a href="http://www.flat-earth.org%5B/url%5D">www.flat-earth.org</a></p>
<p>seriously, you might wanna check it out. I was literally LMAO!</p>
<p><a href="http://www.pwned.nl%5B/url%5D">www.pwned.nl</a></p>
<p>i can't believe no one posted it yet...
don't click that link if ur offended by hilarous nerds spewing out much profanity</p>
<p>anything on ebaum's world</p>
<p>^^Wow that’s super old. lol</p>
<p>And beyond annoying.</p>
<p>Chick tracts:
[Complete</a> list of Chick cartoon gospel tracts](<a href=“Chick.com: Request Free Catalog”>Chick.com: Request Free Catalog)
Time Cube:
[Time</a> Cube](<a href=“http://www.timecube.com%5DTime”>http://www.timecube.com)</p>