Most of the schools I want to go to waitlisted me...

<p>So I applied to school, kept an open mind, and tried to select schools that would work for me. But after I applied, did further research, and visited, it turns out that most of the schools I applied to just didn't work for me. Some of them I am indifferent about, the others I just plain dislike. To top it off, the schools I did like and did want to go to waitlisted me. Except one. The problem is, the school does not guarantee housing, and if I didn't get it, I'd have to get an apartment of my own. My parents are not hot on this idea, and say that they would prefer I live on campus somewhere. It's not a no, but I might not be able to convince them to let me do this. The thing is, I don't know what to do...There's only one school I really want to go to and I don't know if I'll be able to go. My first question I guess is how can I convince my parents to let me do that, and second, if they decide not to, how can I decide if I dislike the rest of my schools?</p>