Moving to Indiana

<p>I am currently in NJ, and my family would be unable to afford Purdue OOS although I really want to go there. My family is willing to move to Indiana to receive the instate benefits. Could I move to Indiana after graduation and pay the instate tuition?</p>

<p>Also, could I get the instate benefits my sophomore year if they don’t apply my freshman year?</p>

<p>I personally and honestly would not recommend doing this. Try searching for scholarships, there are a lot out there and apply for financial aid. Uprooting your family just so you can go to the university you want is kind of selfish, not to be rude or anything…your family will have to find new jobs and a new place to live, etc. I also think you need to be a resident of Indiana for more than a year to be considered a resident and in order to gain a in-state residency status. Otherwise, there would be many more people trying to do this.</p>

<p>I understand how this could seem selfish. I tried to convince my family to look at all the options. However, it isn’t like we have much reason to stay. My family has been looking to move to another state for a while. My dad recently lost his job and my mother’s job is not stable.</p>

<p>This one kid I know moved to Indiana (my state) for his senior year just so he could attend Purdue for engineering at a better price. I’m not 100% on the rules for gaining in-state tuition, but I’m pretty sure that moving after graduation won’t apply for your freshman year.</p>

<p>Being from NJ I understand why you want to do this since I thought about it doing myself. However, Purdue’s Residency policy is quite strict and it can take almost a YEAR to have your application processed. Your best chance at getting residency is by having your parents move to Indiana for a year after graduation and you finding a job instead of going to school. You are not allowed to be a student during that one year. </p>

<p>Look up Purdue’s Residency policy and you will find the requirements that you need to follow.</p>

<p>I think you have to have lived in Indiana for quite a while to qualify for in state tuition. I would call them and ask for how long, it could very well be more than a year.</p>