Msu omsp 2019

This is a thread for anyone who applied to OMSP at MSU for Fall 2019.
If anyone has applied in the past and been through the interview, would you have any advice/insight to offer?

Did anyone get any notification after the preliminary interview?

Not yet, but MSU is on spring break right now so my guess is that we’ll hear next week.

What is the interview format

I assume it is not MMI

Do you know how many instate and out of state students they take for this program

Is anyone OOS here ? If, from which state ?

From ca

Rejected :frowning: Anyone got invite for follow up interview?

Also rejected. Bit of a shocker tbh, I had better stats than my brother and he was a shoo-in two years ago. It’s gotten very competitive since then. What are your backup options?

This year it’s called the common app effect! Two years ago 37k applied to MSU, last year 33,000… heard somewhere by Jan 1st 60,000 first year in the common app… starting to think the common app is not a good thing

Yeah I got the interview. @priyaraz what’s your backups?

@BreakingBadViking MSU honors or Umich. I applied OOS to Cornell and JHU but probably won’t go even if I’m accepted due to the cost. Not to obsess over it, but what were your stats?

@priyaraz I’ll PM them to you

@BigMan1234 @trustybsms did you guys get final interview notifications today too ?

Yeah I thankfully got the interview invite today.

@priyaraz alright just PM’ed you :slight_smile:

Acceptances are out today via Email !!

ayyy I got in! How about you guys?

A friend of mine got in too from the same school :slight_smile:

@BreakingBadViking - Are you both from Michigan ??