MT related but a little off topic

<p>My S has had a wonderful mentor the last 4 years. He is the owner of the performing arts studio S attends. He really has taken my S under his wing and without him I truly do not know where my S would be. He is 77 years old, doesn't act a day over 50. They go to shows together, dinner, talk on the phone etc, my s loves him very much. The owner wrote LOR for S and he closes it with "I'm am so very happy to recommend S for your program but I am sorry to see him go". They will really miss each other next year</p>

<p>I would like to give him a gift before S leaves for college but I'm stumped what it should be. I am no good at this kinda of thing. Anyone having any ideas? Any touching gifts you've given or heard of? I would also like to give a gift to his 2 dance teachers, they really have his back.</p>

<p>I figured if any group could come up with something this group could!</p>

<p>Think about his day-to-day life and see what you can give him that will come across as a wonderful treat! </p>

<p>For an example, when S stopped going to his voice teacher at the end of senior year, we gave her a large gift card at a nice restaurant in her neighborhood. She and her husband have small children, and don’t get a chance to get out together often, so we thought we would give her an opportunity to do that. She loved it, and I know if we hadn’t given her that gift card, she would have never splurged like that!</p>

<p>You and/or your S know this man VERY well - think of something “lark” worthy!</p>

<p>How about season ticket’s to his favorite local theater?</p>