Multicultural Recruitment

<p>So I keep getting all these multicultural recruitment things for all these top universities and Im not sure what to do with them? Im wondering how I can use this to my advantage to get accepted? Should I call them? Should I ask for an interview? Honestly, what do I do to let this university know that Im interested?</p>

<p>Remember that these are generally mailings that are produced by companies hired by the college and sent to kids that meet a very general profile. Some of the colleges do not track demonstrated interest. So you do not need to do anything in response.
However, if you are interested in the colleges you should be attending local open houses and college fairs where the representatives will be present. Also, if you have a local rep you should be in touch with that person. If the admissions office offers local alumni based interviews you should sign up for one IF you are truly interested in the school and intend to apply (if not, don’t waste their time or yours…as you will need to research the college and prepare for the interview).</p>

<p>Finally, it is very late in the season but some of the top smaller liberal arts colleges offered Fly In programs as part of their multicultural recruitment (Bowdoin, Amherst, Middlebury, Pomona, etc.). Most have now pasted, but you can check to see if any of the email or mailings you are getting mention these. If so, and you are interested in the college, apply and try to get a free visit while also demonstrating your interest.</p>

<p>In sum, take the mailings with a grain of salt BUT use them as an opportunity to read the mailings and investigate the colleges further. If you like what you see, start finding ways to learn more about them beyond brochures if you can. It is reaching the 11th hour at this point but you are not alone in still searching.</p>
