Music Auditions at Shenandoah

My daughter is auditioniing for the CMED program next week. I am nervous, she is as calm as can be. Anyone else auditioning for a music major this year? Or parents who are trying not to have a heart attack about it?

Consider yourself fortunate that your musician is so calm! It is a gift.

My kid auditioned for music schools 4 years ago. He is naturally calm under pressure. I used to get so nervous for him that I would feel almost physically sick. (Many, many auditions and performances later and I’m pretty calm now) I worked very hard to keep my nerves to myself.

I’m guessing you have figured this out, but let your daughter take the lead and do not let your nerves get in her way. So hard, because their success and happiness mean so much to us as parents.

My son opted to go to all of his college/conservatory auditions alone, partly because he wanted to save travel expenses and partly because it made him feel more confident. In retrospect, very likely I made him nervous (much as I tried to hide my emotions)

It is a stressful time! But our musicians are more focused and prepared than we might think.

I recommend you check out and post in the Music Majors thread below. Lots of experienced posters and more importantly supportive people.

Good luck!

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Yes, check out the music major forum!