Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Hi there,</p>

<p>I don't think I ever introduced myself in this thread. I am a hoping to be a Vocal Performance and Music Education major. Currently I am at a Jr. College and I will be graduating this May. I have applied to 7 schools, completed 3 auditions already with 4 more to go. This process can definitely be overwhelming but well worth it!</p>

<p>We've got quite a contingent of vocalists on CC this year. If we ever all meet, I'm expecting quite a chorus!</p>

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>So glad I found this site. I am a Los Angeles native, lived in Boston for 4 years while attending Berklee - which was not for me - came back to LA and am now hoping to transfer to the Boston Conservatory or the New England conservatory as a Composition major. I have 2 and 1/2 years of traditional theory under my belt, and have taken a 20th century compositional techniques class, although I could use some brushing up on my tone row methods! I'm taking beginning orchestration and have done some ear training as well. I have written only two full pieces starting from Spring 2007 but am working on my third. John Williams is coming to my school to work with the "Composer's Club", of which I am the "president", so I am fairly excited. </p>

<p>With all that said, I am still desperately nervous about getting into these schools although I have an invite to interview at BOCO. I have read some posts blasting BOCO and conversely praising NEC, but to speak honestly, I am so eager to learn from any one that admission to either would be a great achievement. i am a firm believer that you have to make the MOST of what you are given and eventually success will follow.</p>

<p>Anyway, glad to have found such interesting and good people.</p>


<p>compclub - Your attitude is great. All of the schools you mention have things to offer. And music or not - there is no such thing as a perfect college. If you have found a place you "can stand" and a teacher you can learn from, then don't worry about what others may think!</p>

<p>My S has recently had lessons (instrumental, not comp) with a few teachers that he was "warned against." He is enjoying the lessons and learning a lot. His take is that students who did not do as well had perhaps a self-fulfilling prophecy. They wanted to study with other teachers, or at other places, so set themselves up to not like what they got. He is far enough along in his playing (last semester, senior) to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.</p>

<p>I've been a lurker here for a bit over a year. Have learned tons. Thanks. </p>

<p>DS, currently a HS senior, is a violinist and composer. He got a bit of a late start (age 10) but has been pretty serious since the start. He studied for 3 years with Phil Lewis (at UNT) when we lived in TX and has for the last 2.5 years been studying with Richard Luby (at UNC). Though entirely self-taught in composition, I guess he might be pretty good as he won ASTA's Merle J. Isaac Composition Award (Junior Division) in 2007. He's applied to UNC, Oberlin, BU (auditioned today), Brandeis, Tufts/NEC, McGill and UC Berkeley. He plans to double (in some cases triple) major in violin performance/composition and environmental studies. </p>

<p>I'm looking forward to hearing where everyone here on CC lands for next year. Good luck musicians and parents.</p>

<p>First time post....Our D received a phone call today that she will be accepted to the Blair School at Vanderbilt based on her vocal performance DVD, however, if she want to apply for a scholarship she needs to give a live audition. Does anyone know about the Blair scholarships and how competative they may be?</p>

<p>Franklinbm, congrats to you and your d. From the last year's Master List of Acceptances thread <a href=""&gt;;/a>, the posters lgreen and RedHerring have instrumentalists at Vanderbilt. There were no vocalists listed at Vandy on that thread. You may want to PM either or both for their experience or knowledge. </p>

<p>Perhaps someone else has additional knowledge.</p>

<p>I'm a junior in high school in southwest Ohio, and I play the viola. I realized too late that I want to make music the rest of my life, so I'm here to look for help and advice. I'm preparing for auditions next year, but I don't know where I'll go yet. I feel really out of my league here with all sorts of talented kids and parents of talented kids around.</p>

<p>Hello to All,</p>

<p>I'm a parent with a son applying for admission as a trumpet performance major. Having just completed his last audition this weekend we have now moved to the wait and see mode. Thanks to all who have posted on their experiences. I only wish we would have found the site sooner.</p>

<p>Welcome, Trumpet_Dad! Thumper will be glad to have another trumpet parent around. We will all welcome another fresh take on the process, and you will appreciate having other folks commiserating with you during the 14 year wait between end of auditions and hearing back. (Some say the wait is shorter than that, but they usually aren't music parents who say that :) ).</p>

<p>Hello everyone!!</p>

<p>I'm a junior in highschool and just preparing for the vocal audition process that is to come next winter! I love this site so much, and I'm so grateful for all the insightful information that I've had from all of you posters! </p>


<p>Hi! I've learned A LOT here last four weeks. My D is a senior applying piano performance major. She finished 5 and has her last audition this weekend. She's happy it's almost over.It's a stressful year for her and for me (financially) too!</p>

<p>Hi all.
My daughter is only in 10th grade but we want to start looking at colleges for clarinet performance. I know absolutely nothing about what schools are good for clarinet. Anyone have suggestions?</p>


<p>Welcome, clarinetmom.</p>

<p>There are several sources for the information you need. One is the other clarinet students and parents on this board. Another is your daughter's teacher. If she happens to be in a youth symphony, you may get some suggestions from the students, parents and staff there.</p>

<p>I would suggest that you start by looking for references to teachers rather than schools. The conventional wisdom is that, while there are important matters to consider that align with the school, the key element of the experience is the relationship between teacher and student. Also, since your daughter is still over two years away from starting, teachers sometimes retire or change schools and that can change the whole outlook of a particular school literally overnight.</p>

<p>Has your daughter begun to apply to competitive summer programs? They are excellent opportunities to meet individual teachers in person. She will also get connected in with the larger clarinet community in which the wisdom you seek resides.</p>

<p>There has got to be a national or international clarinet society. Yes, I just found one at Is your daughter a member? That is yet another place to look.</p>

<p>EDIT: To save violadad the trouble, I will plug my own thread at <a href=""&gt;;/a> in which I explained how we handled a similar situation on double bass.</p>

<p>Also, may want to start another thread asking for info about colleges for a prospective clarinet player. That will leave this thread to stay on topic for intros...and you will probably get more responses!!</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply. </p>

<p>My daughter will attend Fredonia summer band and woodwind camp. She volunteers at the summer music program for younger students we have in town and will play in the orchestra for the summer opra program here. So she doesn't have that much time to travel. What competitive programs do you suggest so I can check the dates. Also, she previosly attended a Jazz program at Stony Brook and a summer program at Ithica. </p>

<p>Most of the teachers and parents I spoke to around here (NY)went or go to Ithica college, Fredonia, Eastman, West Chester, or St Rose. Nobody seems to really know that much info about performance they all looked for music ed.</p>

<p>I will check clarinet org. also.</p>

<p>Let me know if you think of anything else I should know.</p>

<p>Thanks. How do I start a thread??????</p>

<p>clarinetmom, welcome. To start a thread, click the "New Thread" button under "Featured Discussions" on the main forum page here <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It is a bit late for auditioned programs for this coming summer. Most have already completed auditions and will be sending out results soon. My daughter really liked Tanglewood. You need to check out their website in the fall for audition options and requirements. It is at Boston</a> University College of Fine Arts</p>

<p>Most of the other summer programs for high school students that I know are string specific, so hopefully you will get some more suggestions from others.</p>

<p>Summer programs that are for full orchestra (and high school students can go)...Brevard, Eastern Music Festival, Boston University Tanglewood Institute, Interlochen, Aspen.</p>