Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!


D23 is a sophomore flute player. She is still figuring out how she wants to study music, but she wants to study it. She just started doing research on colleges last year. Will be looking at Emory, Vanderbilt, BU, TUFTS, UCLA, UMich, Rice, UC Austin, CMU, University of Washington, Bard College Conservatory of Music, but not sure yet where she would want to apply.

CC community forum was an amazing resource and provided support when our older S15 was applying to colleges several years ago, it is great to be back! We are familiar with the Double Degree Dilemma Essay - helpful and brutally honest piece, and yes, we know things are very competitive for flute players.

Thank you!


Hi! My sons is a drum set player & excellent student. Glad I found you all. Does anyone have any feedback on CUNY City Collegeā€™s Pop music program? Or can anyone point me in the right direction?

My son is in Junior HS. He is interested in music Composition.
He recently won few music composition competitions. He would like to be a film and video game composer.


Hello! My D22 plays violin and she also started learning composition 2 years ago. Just want to pop in and say hi. I learned a lot from this forum. We are still debating whether to try double major with stem and music in college. Not sure if it is too late ā€¦


What year of high school is she in?

Have you or has she read the Double Degree Dilemma essay posted in the Read Me thread here on the music major forum? It can be helpful I think.

She is a rising senior. Her initial thought was finding a school having a good orchestra that allow non-music major students play, but her composition teacher recommended her to do double major with composition. So I started googling and found this forum :relaxed:

I read the essay about double degree/major dilemma and think it is very helpful. I will send her the link to let her take a look. Hopefully she will make up her mind soon :blush:

I have a colleague whose daughter went to CMU doing the BXA program, but it looks extremely competitiveā€¦

I will private message you. Look at your avatar on top right to find it.

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Hi- I wanted to pop in and introduce myself. I spent a lot of time on this board when my younger daughter was applying to school. She is currently starting her third semester at Berklee and loving it, itā€™s been a wild ride because of the pandemic as all of you know.

And now Iā€™m back! My older daughter has just graduated from her school with a dual degree in music composition and digital media production. She is in the process of applying to Masters programs for composition and film scoring as well as looking for an interim job. The job search has been long and frustrating. Before the pandemic sheā€™d had an internship with Hans Zimmerā€™s remote control production studio lined up but that was canceled. She is currently doing some freelance arranging and has had one choral piece commissioned.

Any possible suggestions for anything would be great!

I thought Iā€™d check in and see what everyone has to say! If there are any stones she is leaving unturned. Itā€™s much easier this time because Iā€™m minimally involved.


Is she looking at funded masterā€™s. Would she consider a combined masterā€™s and doctorate, which is usually funded? Does she want to teach ultimately (funding involves teaching usually) or is her ultimate goal working in film? Any chance the Zimmer internship could happen this year?

Iā€™ll PM you.

Wow, we have finally arrived at senior year. Introducing myself - D is seeking a BM Performance in Trombone. Plays both classical and jazz, but emphasis is on classical. Not available at all schools, but interested in arts administration classes too. Current targets are Eastman, Oberlin, BOCO at Berklee, UNT, Kentucky, Ithaca, Bard and Indiana. Doing pre-auditions now. Had a final audition at Kentucky in September, and got in there (or will get in once she gets the final application in). Rest weā€™ll know in due time ā€¦ itā€™s a marathon not a sprint, right? Good luck this year everyone - wishing the best for you all!


Joining this thread as well, have a high school senior who is a jazz guitarist. Interested in either a jazz performance or contemporary music degree. Has gotten into Belmont and Loyola NO, Loyola Marymount and St. Olafā€™s, waiting on UT Austin, UNT, Indiana and Denver (Lamont). Seems fixated on Belmont although heā€™s heard there isnā€™t a very active social scene so he has some reservations. Would love peopleā€™s feedback on that or any of the schools really. Best of luck to everyone trying to find the right match!


Probably a lot of gigging opportunities at Loyola NO (biased a bit - we have a home in New Orleans and love it). I would dig into the strength of the guitar program (unknown to me) - brass, etc. of course will be strong with the local scene. UNT is large, but very vibrant music community and the town is cute. Lots of performing opportunities there including the ā€œlabā€ bands. Good luck!

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Welcome! My son is at UNT. Heā€™s a choral music Ed major but was in a vocal jazz group last semester. As an instrumentalist thereā€™s a ton of jazz ensembles to play in, including all the lab bands, and in the rhythm section for each of the vocal jazz ensembles. My son is a voice major and has still frequently had opportunities to play on his secondary instruments (cello,piano). The school of music is quite a community. I donā€™t have any specific knowledge of jazz guitar. We did get to see the one oā€™clock lab band play in person at the syndicate last time we visited, and that was a treat.


My son is a freshman at UNT -Jazz Studies percussion. He loves it there. Lives in Bruce Hall, has made a lot of friends, practices a lot and seems happy, although a lot of work and competition. He says everyone is very good, from freshman to grad students. He got into Jacobs, Eastman, Peabody, Berklee, Lamont to name a few, but UNT is not a small conservatory school. It was a very hard decision but he is very happy with UNT, his drum teachers, teachers and his classes. He is also finding a good Jazz scene in Dallas when he can get down there (no car but some friends have one) Good luck to your son.


Welcome! UNT is on my D23ā€™s shortlist (though sheā€™s focused on behind-the-scenes work, not performance), so Iā€™m curious to hear future updates from you.

Hello all! Just starting to lurk here a little, I have a high school junior daughter who is interested in Vocal Performance in college. We are in the upper midwest. She is a soprano. She is just dual enrolling in college classes right now.

I was here several years ago, I have a son who is a double degree music/CS student at a big 10 university. He really found a great combo of teacher fit and flexibility and strong program for his other degree, plus a great financial offer and he is having a great experience. I recognize many names that helped me first time around both here and offline (I had a different user/e-mail in the old format, I donā€™t remember what it was). So thank you to more experienced parents here for all they do!

I am more relaxed and low key this time around after going through this once. My daughter auditioned into a vocal studio with a college prof this year (she is her only high schooler), Iā€™d be fine and dandy if she stayed local with that teacher for undergrad, though that isnā€™t a given. Her teacher says she is well positioned for the process. But she will probably audition at a range of places, probably primarily in the midwest. Trying to reaquaint myself with the process and hoops.

Best wishes to families making college decisions right now!


Does anyone know about music at U of Louisiana-Lafayette?

Hi all! Didnā€™t want to start a new thread on this. Anyone who have success with Youngarts have advice (classical music)? S24 thinking about starting working on repertoire now but I am wondering more about logistics; how professional do the recordings need to be, etc?

Submissions for my son several years ago were high quality sound and video, on a small stage in concert black. I do not know if that is the norm, but typical of his cohort. While it is a lot of work and planning, mine was able to use all of the YoungArts videos for pre screening submissions to colleges/conservatories. So essentially he was done recording for pre screening a month ahead of schedule which was a huge bonus. It gave him time to work on perfecting live performance for in person auditions.


Thank you! My S is a rising junior so I have to decide if it is worth the money and time to do all of that this year or just send regular recordings.