Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

I will send you a PM with a list of schools that might apply, but as you say, the terminology varies quite a lot!

She (and you) might like to read the Double Degree Dilemma essay posted closer to the top of this music forum, which describes different paths for music study using hypothetical students.

Finally, for multifaceted students with many interests in music, sometimes a BA is a possible way to go, with extracurricular performance as an undergrad. If her interests become clearer and more specialized, then a BM in that area might be her preference.

Some schools have BA programs with enhanced performance components. Look at Oberlinā€™s Musical Studies as an example.

Good luck!

Yes it does help! Luckily for us, sheā€™s on board with not racking up huge debt. My husband still has school loans from earning his degree.

She applied to a ton of schools, so my only worry is that she will get accepted somewhere that is really appealing to her and and will have a hard time saying no if the financial packet doesnā€™t follow. We will cross that bridge when we get there and in the mean time, I keep reminding her that a good education is less about the school ā€œnameā€ and more about finding the right fit and the right studio.


@Music2022, Iā€™m in a very similar position to you: My D23 is interested in majoring not in music, but in something ā€œmusic adjacentā€ (I like your phrasing of it). From private lessons mine has gotten a solid background in percussion (drumkit and marimba) and some keyboarding skills, plus a solid bit of music theory, and is starting to add guitar to the mix, but she doesnā€™t want to major in an instrument and has if anything a negative desire to focus on performance.

Sheā€™s slowly gravitating toward audio production, so Iā€™ve spent some time looking particularly at those programs (especially the ones where thereā€™s a lot of sunlightā€”the child has seasonal affective disorder pretty bad, so places in New England are right out), and Iā€™m still kind of at sea on it, because like you I have a good background in higher education but not this side of it.

But my own research talking with the few folks in the music business I know has led me to the conclusion that thereā€™s a lot of snake oil out there in music industry and commercial music and so on programs. Unfortunately, I havenā€™t found a good way to separate the wheat from the chaffā€”but I have figured out that if my kid does want a career in music production, the important thing college will provide is only secondarily the education, the big important thing is going to be the quantity and quality of internship placements and such.

I know Iā€™m months late to this, but my S21 plays guitar and was just accepted to the music tech program at NEU and I am happy to share what I learned by going through the process. My parents played flutes of various types and sizes and on various early winds (and recorder). :slight_smile:

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@dfdbfb, my thoughts separating the wheat from the chaff. If I school is not as high on the ā€œprestigeā€ list I have been looking at ones that have established co-op/internship programs and/or ones that are located in a ā€œmusic hubā€ (NYC, LA, Nashville). Drexel and Northeastern have well developed Co-op programs for example and both have music business or music technology programs. Belmont and MTSU are well-situated in the Nashville area and seem to have well established connections to the music business there. NYU, SUNY, Purchase, Hofstra are in NYC; USC, UCLA, Cal Arts are in LA.

The audition requirements are interesting for the Tech programs. Even if your D does not want to major in performance, some of the programs still require an instrument or vocal audition. Others only require a portfolio and still others just a music aptitude test and interview. This might be a deciding factor for you.

I think my daughter is realistic and understands that she is choosing a competitive field. I majored in English and have managed to keep myself afloat so I canā€™t blame her for wanting to pursue her interests. She may be lucky and get to work in the field, but I feel everyone struggles in their post-grad 20s trying to figure it out.

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You should look into Middle Tennessee State University. They have the College of Media and Entertainment department with various majors in the music industry including recording studio, sound engineering, as well as performance majors. Itā€™s only 35-40 miles to Nashville. Good luck in your search

MTSU is on her list! Along with Belmont, which was mentioned upthread.

The NYC area is out (as are Boston, Chicago, Portland, and Seattle) due to her seasonal affective disorder, but places like Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, LA, and so on are definitely in play. Philadelphia is kind of marginal for sun, but yeah, Drexel is on her list and she likes the shape of their program, with the guaranteed co-op experience.

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My S21 was impressed with the Drexel program, but you should know Philly is in the top ten cloudiest cities in the U.S. The Cloudiest Cities in the United States - WorldAtlas. Belmont was never under consideration because of the religious affiliation. We looked at Loyola NO but the academics arenā€™t all that rigorous and we were worried about its long-term financial health. USC Thornton is in a class by itself. S21 did not even pass the first round. But heā€™s very happy with his NEU acceptance. GL to your daughter. I would definitely check out Elon if you want a sunny school and maybe even Georgia Tech if she veers more to the tech side of music tech. Oh, and Miami Frost, of course! :slight_smile:

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If you are looking at Philly - consider Templeā€™s Boyer College of Music. They have a Music Tech program and an amazing percussion department. (my kid is sophomore percussion performance major there and is loving it) Being from the PNW, Philly definitely has way more sunshine than we are seeing. :slight_smile:


My son has a good friend who is a percussionist and has applied to the Temple program.

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Small world: My sister applied to Temple for percussion and got in with a really, really nice financial package, but she ended up not going thereā€”this was the early 90s and Templeā€™s neighborhood was well the other side of not great at that time, so her grew-up-in-the-country self hadnā€™t felt entirely safe when she went to audition.

Nowadays, though? Yeah, no worries along those lines, and I have heard good things about their music program.


My kid is really, really happy there (sophomore percussion performance major) AND got a nice financial package as well. Made it comparable to our flagship instate university.


S23 (a hs soph) is slowly trying to figure out possible paths. Something in music keeps coming up. Out of the blue a couple weeks ago he said he thinks he would like to major in music education (which for him to actually state a possible interest in a major is HUGE). I know this typically will require a masters so being financially responsible for undergrad will be important. Also I understand slightly about the teacher licensing varying by state and it being easier to get a job in the state you attend school. He quite strongly wants to go to school out of state (northern midwest). FACHEX and TE schools will be looked at first but others also considered. Hes academically average and would like a school with spirit (bonus points if theres a football team).

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Hi, so Iā€™m a hs junior right now. Iā€™m planning on majoring in music performance for percussion. Iā€™ve looked on these forums since freshman year, but only now have I actually made an account. Obviously, Iā€™m just trying to figure out viable colleges and where I ultimately want to go; the forums have helped thus far, so making an account will luckily be even more beneficial.


Hey, welcome! My little sister majored in percussion. Iā€™m afraid I canā€™t give you any up to date tips, thoughā€”she graduated ~25 years ago.:grin:

Anyway, just wanted to say itā€™s good to have you here, and go ahead and ask awayā€”I might not have anything to offer for your particular situation, but a lot of the people here do.

Thatā€™s great! Thank you. I was starting to create a separate topic in the music major forum, so I didnā€™t clutter this one.


A separate topic is a great idea. I also want to point you toward the Double Degree Dilemma essay in the ā€œRead Meā€ topic posted above in this music forum. It is really about different ways to study music.

I will reserve other comments to your separate thread.

Hi! Iā€™m a current high school senior, planning to major in music performance and hopefully attend a conservatory! I play the viola but I also enjoy other music activities (not enough to double major, but just for fun). Iā€™ve been lurking here for a while, so I wanted to introduce myself so that I can also share information to help future students / parents! Reading all the posts and information threads has been super helpful in my own journey, and I hope thatā€™ll be the case for future students & parents as well. :slight_smile:


Hi folks, Iā€™m a parent of a trans kiddo ready to pursue BM composition this fall. Iā€™ve lurked in this section for a little while, and found the Double Degree Dilemma essay very helpful. (1510 SAT, talented in several areas, but love of music dominates.)

Iā€™m overprotective, so to try to counteract that, Iā€™ve let my kiddo take the lead throughout the application process: identifying schools, evaluating their composition programs, talking to composition students already in college, etc. But my instincts are kicking in hard as we approach the end.

So far, the top two choices are acceptances from a UK conservatory and a US conservatory. Waitlisted at Michigan SMTD. Waiting to hear from USC Thornton, but we donā€™t expect anything because there was never a contact from them about a prescreen. (Michigan and all the conservatories did prescreens.) Thereā€™s some pressure to get things rolling with the UK school since their admission process finished earlier, but they did grant an extension with the US process in mind. Once we know for sure, Iā€™ll come to this group with some questions.


Hi there-
Parent (mom) of D23 from CAā€¦trombone player and pianistā€¦likely will be looking at BA music programs on the West Coast as she is not ready to fully commit to a BM program at this point. She has lots of interests. Does NOT want to teach lol. And yes, we have read the ā€œDouble Major Dilemmaā€ā€¦:wink: