Must decide TODAY - CMC vs WashU

The only STEM major at CMC is Mathematics.

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Well they have science, and for Engineering and CS, the student would have to enter a program with Harvey Mudd or Pomona. It not as easy with as in WashU, but it’s possible.

As a CMC student, you can take a few classes at other consortium schools, I believe 1 per term the first two years and two per term the second two years, but you can’t major in something the school you were admitted to doesn’t have. I forgot about Keck though. As long as the STEM major was something they offered (biology, chem, physics, ESci, etc.) that would work. Engineering and CS, not so much. Engineering is only at HMC and I believe CS is only at HMC and Pomona.

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You’re not alone. I forgot about Keck as well. I’m glad you brought it up although it doesn’t work so well for the OP’s interest in tech/Silicon Valley, as you mentioned.


Do you think this is a reason not to go to CMC?

It depends on whether you want to keep your options open.

I love both of these schools, so I’d encourage anyone to go to either in a heartbeat. My reservation about CMC for you is regarding your stated interest in tech with a future in Silicon Valley. That’s something that’s not offered at CMC and there have been reports at the other Claremont colleges that they’ve had trouble cross registering for these courses due to their increasing popularity.

When I compare the CMC opportunity with what’s readily available at a great school like Wash U, I’d opt for Wash U because at CMC you’re pretty much closing the door on that option before you’ve had time to sample courses and think it through. I know that it’s theoretically possible to transfer from one Claremont college to another, but until you apply and are accepted, there are no guarantees.

It’s not like you’d be making a mistake by going to CMC. It’s a great school in a unique situation. A truly wonderful opportunity. It’s just the tech piece that’s hanging out there. Going in with that foreknowledge, you can deal with it accordingly as time goes on. Better than being surprised if you were to run into problems down the road without knowing about them in advance.


Did OP ever say to which school they ultimately committed?

If you want to be an engineer or study CS, you will be locked out of those opportunities at CMC. Otherwise, there are lots of science options via Keck. They just aren’t the sciency things SV is typically looking for.

No. No info on where he committed.

What are your thoughts on USC? My reservations there are that it’s so big and not as good a social fit. There’s also a real chance I won’t like St. Louis and the social scene at WashU.

No opinion on USC. Fine school. Can you do CS there?

Yes. Great CS. Just not the best social/size fit.

Why do you say this?

I visited and am NOT crazy about St.Louis and the weather. IMHO I really like the CMC location, and USC’s proximity in LA (though I’m aware the immediate USC areas is not great). Socially, WashU is much more academic and not much of a ‘work hard play hard’ school.

Have you made your decision?

Well there’s no doubt about that! Summers are hot and humid and winters are cold without nearby mountains to compensate for that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Go where you feel comfortable. Just know what opportunities you will gain and what you will miss out on.

Good luck!

Yes you had to deposit by now. Where did you deposit ?

WashU, but the other 2 are still viable options…

Since you SIR’d with WashU and missed the SIR deadline with the others, why are they still viable? Did you come off a waitlist or are you transferring? Just curious. My understanding is that if you miss the regular SIR deadline without the circumstances listed above that the other ships sail without you.

The enrollment is still up online. Also spoke with admissions at 1 of them. NOT ideal, but it’s a very hard decision!