MWF vs TuTh

<p>Small question: does it matter whether a class is MWF or Tu Th? I know it means MWF meets <em>more</em> but TT meets <em>longer</em>. So what kind of classes should fall into MWF? TT? Easy classes on TT? More classes “relevant” to my major on MWF? Like take general electives on TT and “harder” classes on MWF? </p>

<p>You’re thinking too hard. Just take what is needed/wanted as it fits into your schedule. This will make more sense after the first year. Some courses have just one offering and you’ll be glad to make it work. </p>

<p>^ Took the words right out of my mouth!</p>

<p>oops, posted before I meant to add more, sorry.
I wanted to add that in all seriousness, course schedules resolve themselves, and there is no need to worry about which option is better. What works for YOU is the best plan regarding scheduling.</p>

<p>First semester Freshman year DD had all her classes on TTh ON PURPOSE, thinking it would allow her more time to study and Fridays off…what we didn’t realize was that ALL HER TESTS AND PROJECT TS FELL ON THE SAME TWO DAYS. She struggled through it and did well, but NEVER AGAIN will she do that. After First semester you can use a tool on MyBAMA called Schedule Builder which will allow you to block early morning/mid-afternoon/ Wednesday night/whatever time. So you can generate potential schedules around your preferred times to attend classes. Works great!!!</p>

<p>If there is a subject that doesnt interest you much, it may not be a good idea to take those on Tues/Thurs. It may be too hard to sustain attention in class.</p>

<p>Do try to have a balanced schedule. As TXArchitect noted, trying to squeeze classes into a couple of days means that all tests and projects will be due on those days. </p>

<p>And frankly, even with best intentions, having more free days doesnt mean more study time. People actually absorb more info if they study in smaller bites at at time rather than do multiple-hour marathons of study/homework. </p>

<p>As I mentioned above, it is easier to budget study time and keep up with homework if you build in some breaks into your daily schedule. I know it is tempting to back to back load a schedule and be done by noon, but you will then too mentally exhausted to study and do homework. The temptation to head back to bed or goof-off with friends will be overwhelming.</p>

<p>Also, I have mentioned many times, unless you are a natural early riser, avoid 8 am classes…especially on Mondays. The temptation to skip will become too enticing. </p>

<p>If you can have a schedule that allows a couple back to back classes in the morning from 9 am - 11 am, then a long break between 11 - 1pm or so, then classes from 1 to 3ish pm, you will be refreshed for afternoon classes, and have 2 hours for nutrition/homework time. </p>

<p>also…pay attention to building locations!!! You dont want back to back classes where one building is far from the next class’ building. When you do have to walk a distance to get to the next class, try to have a break between those classes. </p>

<p>My younger son had a class in ten Hoor and then the next class in a SEC building. So, he scheduled his break after the ten Hoor class. He would walk to The Ferg, eat/study, then walk to the SEC. </p>

<p>There will be days when you exit a building and find that rain is suddenly pouring down. That can make it more difficult to quickly get to the next class. Buy a foldable hooded rain jacket to keep in a pocket of your back pack. There are thin durable ones that fold up quite small, but will keep you from getting soaked when you are forced to walk in the rain. They dont offer much warmth because they are thin, but they do keep you from getting soaked. </p>

<p>Excellent advice, @mom2collegekids, from what I can recall of my college years (back when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth).</p>

<p>Based on all these descriptions of unexpected monsoons breaking out, I’m thinking every kid should have a fold-up red poncho that’s imprinted with “KEEP CALM and ROLL TIDE” so they can just quickly pull something over their entire bodies AND backpacks! Maybe if it has a pithy phrase printed on it, it will be seen as socially acceptable and donned by more than just engineering students? ;-)</p>

<p>DD inherited her father’s “food-induced narcolepsy” :wink: So she blocks out MId afternoon from classes as she CAN NOT STAY AWAKE after eating lunch. </p>




<p>I remember years and years ago, there were these clear umbrellas that were extra deep so that more of your head was covered and you could see thru the clear part. I know kids wont/cant really use those, but I sure would like one…with some script A’s or something.</p>

<p>The ponchos are great, but dang they can be hard to fold up! When you buy them, they are folded so neatly in a small rectangle, but once opened…</p>

<p>Maybe if the material was a little more substantial?</p>

<p>^^^Sounds like a great project for some enterprising materials engineering majors–along with fitted sheets that can be adjusted from reg. twin to XL twin to full! And the marketing majors can help sell the concepts to the student bookstore.</p>

<p>I used to love those bubble (?) umbrellas too. (Showing our ages here, I’m afraid.)</p>