My chances at bama?

Female, Asian, upper middle class, dream career- metallurgical engineer

4.0 GPA for secondary school
90% junior year high school
Planning to get 95% this year(my school doesn’t have APs)
IMO - state ranker and school champ for 3 years
Asset tests - creditable performance
Have been in the school quiz team, debate team etc.
Former Academic secretary
Head girl( head of the student council)
Sat score- 2250

Nationally recognized taekwondo player
Highest ranked state awardee
The only medallist in the national federation games (Taekwondo) this year
Best female fighter - International Wado Federation(2013)
Conducted a self defence seminar for the National Cadet Corps(A part of the Indian Armed Forces)
Awarded by the Prime Minister, Chief minister(of my state) for distinguished performance

Volunteer and student member of Rotary Club( International NGO)
Organized a student campaign ‘Hope’- an anti tobacco campaign(district)
Was in the school choir for 4 years
Achiever of the year since 3 years(school)
Classical dance for 4 years

If you apply now, you’ll be admitted with a merit scholarship… Send your transcripts and scores, soon! you’re an int’l, so things take longer.

thanks! also, is the presidential scholarship awarded just like that? I mean, if I have the required score will I get it? or is it only for limited students?

If you have the stats, and apply and submit all stuff by the deadline, you get the award.

Since it can take int’ls longer to get their transcripts sent, it’s always a good idea to apply early to allow time for int’l mail and to get transcripts transcribed (if not in English), etc.

So, don’t worry, but get the necessary things sent in.

I’m also an international student from Asian, so I know the process. Listen to mom2collegekids and have everything sent as soon as possible.

As you’re an international student, your transcript must be evaluated by a NACES organization before sending to University of Alabama. It took me 1.5 month to have everything done. So if you want to be considered for the Honor College and other programs there, be quick. You can always receive help from mom2collegekids like I did.


Why not shoot for a better school?

Good luck, skspartan! Roll Tide!

@johnbran what?.. Like IU Bloomington?

Well, considering IU Bloomington does not have engineering, that would be interesting.

@JohnBran what better school are you talking about for Mat E? I majored in that at Iowa State, currently ranked #10.

@Nerdyparent Can you really even compare UA to the Kelley School of Business? Sure, IU as a school isn’t great, but I’d still place it higher than UA. But Kelley compared to UA and Culverhouse… please, thats too funny.

JohnBran, why are you investing time at an “inferior” school’s CC forum? For some reason, thousands of brilliant students are ignoring your advice every year as they happily enroll at UA.

@JohnBran Your parents earn $450k. Likely, they’ll easily pay for whatever school you want.

Most students don’t have that luxury. The OP may be in a situation where the parents won’t pay $50-65k per year for college. Or maybe she’s just looking for a couple of financial safeties.

That said, do you want to be proof that having money doesn’t buy good manners.

@JohnBran Culverhouse is better than you think. I am glad, however, that you are looking elsewhere. Good luck!

I thought the OP is looking at Metallurgical Engineering? What am I missing? IU does not have engineering.

Female, Asian, upper middle class, dream career- metallurgical engineer <<<<<<<<


Speaking as someone with an MBA from IU’s Kelley, the school definitely has a stellar reputation and that (along with the fact that I live 40 miles from the campus) is why I chose to go there (which was also aided by the fact that my employer helped pay a significant amount of the cost). But as for education… I didn’t feel particularly challenged and don’t think I got a better education than most other programs I could have chosen to go to.

Kelley has very good reputation earned over time. Most programs earn their reputations over time. UA is in it’s infancy in that regard. Reputation is a long term thing in the education world just as it is in the business world.

Reputation can be killed in an instant in education as in business, just ask VW. That is why those high reputation universities work so hard to keep it.

NPV, ROI, and payback calculations do not change by where you went to school.

Culverhouse has been around a long time; it’s hardly in its infancy.

But it’s irrelevant to this thread because the OP wants to study Materials Engineering!

Not saying Culverhouse is in its infancy. What I was saying is that UA has been working on building it’s national rep for only a few years, relatively speaking. And have done quite well might I add!

Plus, Culverhouse sounds waaaaaaaaaaay cooler than Kelley