My chances at ED/RD?

<p>Hey there members of CC, I am a junior at a recognized international private school in the middle east, which is known for its high standards of academics.
I am currently a junior here and here are my stats/qualities:</p>

<p>GPA:3.822 after 10th grade, bound to go up because of 2 APs this year and 3/4 the next year
Class Rank: 10 of 116
Very rigorous course load</p>

<p>SAT1: taking it in December, expecting a 2000 first time, possible a 2100/2150 second time
SAT2's: taking math2 at the end of this year, expecting a 750+, will probably take physics in October of senior year(next year), and chemistry end of next year.. expecting a 730+ on them
APs: Stats and Econ this year (expecting a 5 on both), Cal A/B (5), Physics B (4/5), Chemistry (5)
I might also take AP Literature but that will depend on your recommendations on whether or not I will really need it.</p>

<p>ECs and others:
MUN: 9, 10, 11 (will also take it next year and will probably be vice president/secretary general)
National cricket team captain (travelled to a few places, and hosted a tournament ourselves)
Basketball: 9, 10, 11(Captain) (will also do it next year)
Softball (school doesn't offer real baseball for some reason):10 (MIP and vice captain), 11, next year as well
NHS: 11 (will do it next year as well)
Helped out at a Pakistani orphanage
Community clean-up in Toronto
Tutoring: 9, 11 (next year as well)
INJAZ (business organizations competition with other schools):10, 11 (next year as well)
Forensics and Debate: 11 and (next year as well)</p>

<p>More stuff:
I want to do a major in mathematics/statistics and economics.
I am a Pakistani/Canadian living in the Middle East, and I am young for my grade (don't know if that will affect the decision in any way, since the class of '10 is mostly born in 1992, while i was born in 1993).</p>

<p>Please tell me my chances at UC-Berkeley ED/RD and any other tips that could increase my chances of being admitted to such a great university.</p>


<p>There is no ED in the UC system. </p>

<p>Your GPA has to be converted to a UC version to know where you stand. It involves only the courses required by the UC (the a-g category classes), ignores Freshman year, is recalculated to ignore +- (e.g. B-, B and B+ are all counted as a 3), and has a cap on the number of extra points awarded for AP/honors classes. Not all your AP classes may factor into the UC GPA, in other words. </p>

<p>It is pretty speculative when a lot of the determining factors are in the future - SAT I/IIs, APs and so forth. You are out of state (as well as out of country but it doesn't matter whether you are in the middle east or in NY, just that you will be facing a higher threshold than for in-state applicants). </p>

<p>Hard to say but you are neither a clear admit nor a clear reject based on the early info and the guesstimates of future performance.</p>

<p>Each AP test passed gives you units toward graduation, units to class standing for better registration priority, and in a number of cases will waive classes you otherwise need to take at Cal. For example, if you can get a 5 on the English Literature AP, you get to skip the Reading and Comprehension (RCA and RCB) classes, all on top of the extra units that are on your record on day one. Thus, if you can take the tests and earn at least a 3, even if you don't take the high school AP class itself, it pays to do so.</p>

<p>So that makes my GPA in the UC system: 4.06 (only including 10th and 11th)
and expected after my senior year: 4.12</p>

<p>I haven't completed my junior year yet (obviously), but I shouldn't get anything less than an A-, so that should be my final UC GPA (hopefully)</p>

<p>So where do I stand according to that?</p>

<p>anyone? :)</p>

<p>Bump !!!!!</p>

<p>Well, first of all, your age definitely doesn't have any impact on admission. Outside of that, I agree with rider - until you have more concrete numbers and information to give us, speculation doesn't help a whole lot (especially with your SAT scores), and as a result, it's difficult for us to make good judgment on your chances. This question would be better if it were asked at the beginning of your senior year, when you have more solid numbers. But based on what I see so far, you'd be moderately competitive as an int'l applicant. The SAT scores may need to be better though, if your gut feeling is true.</p>

<p>wut school u go to? i used to go to asd (doha) middle east ftw!</p>

<p>i think you should apply ed. you better hurry because the deadlines tomorrow.</p>

<p>There is no ED for Cal…</p>

<p>yeah there is… didn’t you know? while harvard and many other ivies are planning to drop ed, most public schools are now incorporating the option of ed.</p>

<p>realestate, you must be joking or you have no idea. harvard already dropped its ED.</p>

<p>Your age won’t matter.</p>

<p>RD as in CNRs registered dietitian program?</p>