<p>-im gonna apply regular decision,cuz im applying ED to Carnegie Mellon
-3.4 uw,3.65w. rank(top 40%.=( ) class of 708 students
REALLY prestigious high school,though.
-AP Classes & honors (ap exam scores)
physics c-5
physics c-5
pre ap chem
ap us history-4
ap cal ab-5
spanish language-5
spanish literature-5</p>
<p>Hispanic,first generation,moved to the US in 2005.</p>
<p>Sat I (790M,770CR,750W)=2310
spanish w/listening-800
math IC-800</p>
Survey Drafter/Rodman(summer 2006)
co-founder of F.I.R.S.T robotics club
italian club
junior achievement(sort of a business club)</p>
<p>i still think you should EA to MIT and regular CMU. You will get into CMU, so I think you should at least give yourself the chance of getting into MIT.</p>
<p>i think you have a very good chance of getting into MIT, altho ur 40% is a bit low but i think since you will probably get into CMU, you should aim higher</p>
<p>Your AP scores and SAT scores are very strong. Your GPA is weak, and that will raise some questions. On the other hand, you state that you're in a highly prestigious school. If you can explain the relatively low GPA, then I think you have it backwards. You should apply EA to MIT and RD to CMU.</p>
<p>Apply EA to MIT. Especially since it is not restrictive, so you can apply to other EA schools as well, like Georgetown or Boston College if you are interested in those. And apply to CMU regular. I think you have a good shot at a lot of prestigious schools, even though your GPA is low.</p>
<p>If you are getting top scores on your AP exams, it is obvious you know the subject matter. Make sure you send in your AP scores to the school. I think you have a decent shot, especcially as a URM as well. You won't know until you try. </p>
<p>Personally, I have always hated the idea of doing ED anywhere unless you have your heart set on a particular school because you are limiting yourself in many ways, and you will never know where else you could have been accepted. I hate "what-if's". But then again, there are other people out there that would disagree with me, so it is really your choice at the end.</p>
<p>"thanx CalAlum & easonh89,but even though last year 100 % of the freshman class was ranked top 25%,is it still possible to get in if im top 40%"</p>
<p>In 2007, MIT admitted one student ranked below that level. Your profile is unusual, because your SAT and AP scores place you in the top 1% of all college applicants. UC Berkely has a number of studies on its website about whether grades or SAT scores predict success in college; Berkeley researchers conclude that the results are mixed. Sometimes students with high SAT scores but lower grades do quite well, and vice versa. You could be very successful at MIT. You're also from a minority group that MIT wants to recruit (and I agree with that mission, by the way). </p>
<p>I think you will certainly get into CMU, and I also think you have a shot at MIT. Just my two cents. :-)</p>
<p>Talk to your GC. Will he/she discuss your grades in the context of the school and the difficulty of the coursework? Were you learning English during your first year or two of HS (I see you arrived in 2005), or were you fairly fluent already? Have your grades increased steadily over the past three years? A positive trend line is a good thing...</p>
<p>I agree with CalAlum. MIT EA is a good way to test the waters and it's non-binding. You have a very good shot at CMU in RD, and if your dream is MIT, then why not see how you fare in the EA round? Your scores are stellar. Try to develop those ECs into something you can write about passionately in your essays so they get a better sense of who you are. Think carefully about who you want to write your recommendations.</p>
<p>Be sure you have other schools on your list that are good matches for your stats (and $$, if that is a concern). Purdue, Rose-Hulman and RPI come to mind.</p>