My Chances for Virginia Tech (ED?)

<p>I am a rising senior at a Northern Virginia high school. Virginia Tech is my first choice and I might want to apply ED if my chances are good. I plan on either applying to the Pamplin School of Business or Pol Sci. I plan to attend law school after undergraduate.</p>

White Male
3.72 GPA
Class Rank 50ish/300+
1820 SAT (660 CR, 570 M, 590 W (9 on Essay)) I plan on retaking this and actually studying
Mother attended VT and my brother is a rising 2nd year</p>

4 on APUSH
4 on AP World
5 on Psych
Taking 5 APs next year: German, Calc, Gov, Econ, Lit</p>

<p>I have many extracurriculars: NHS, German Honor Society, Wrestling, Virginia Mathematics League, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Marching Band, German Club. I also attended a prestigious legal camp during the summer (only 26 students were selected out of 2 counties). In addition, I was selected to participate in a German Exchange program in which I lived with a german family for 3 weeks and attended school there.I also have plenty of volunteer hours.</p>

<p>I’ll leave the specifics to the real experts here, but an obvious question (or at least to me) is, are you planning on participating/would you like to participate in marching band in college. This might be worth mentioning and require contacting the band director.</p>

<p>Also, is your GPA W or UW?</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I don’t really plan on doing marching band in college. I don’t know if my GPA is weighted or not, as only one GPA is given on my transcript (3.72).</p>