<p>6 APs in total taken
AP- Calc AB, Calc BC, Physics, Econ (Macro/Micro), Comp govt, Prob and Stat</p>
An Inventor- have over 15 patents and developing more.
Signed to an invention company and working on my first invention
Willing to send UNC my patents with patent #s</p>
<p>Varsity Track (1 yr)</p>
Founder and President of Stock Market Club
Junior Statesmen Association
Medical Futures Club
Asian Clutural Club</p>
<p>Extra Cirriculars-
Research Assistant and Internship at Princeton University ( Engineering department)
Internship at JPL (Nasa California)
Internship at Rutgers University in Astrophysics (Published a Paper)
Internship at Whittier College ( California)
Attending IEEE conference in Montana to present a Paper I worked on
Indian Violin for 5 years
100+ hours of volunteering at Saint Peters Hospital</p>
<p>Great Recos from princeton and school.</p>
<p>Really amazing essays.</p>
<p>What do you think my chances are if im applyin early D
and What major? Engineering or Econ? with best chance of getting in</p>
<p>unc is a good school..rankings wise and name wise...i dont know too much UNC campus life...it should be pretty good considering how amazing their sports teams are.</p>
<p>UNC has a great campus; if you never have visited, then you should. Chapel Hill is a small town that basically revolves around the school. The scenery is beautiful, the atheltics are great, and of course their education is what makes the school well known.<br>
The only thing I'm not sure about is your GPA and what is your class rank? The fact that you're an inventor should look very good, but if you want to go into engineering then Chapel Hill is not the school for you. NC State is the NC school that has the great engineering program.</p>
<p>They have a great Engineering school and is close to home...</p>
<p>Don't have the sole reason to come down here being the athletics...Its a great atmosphere but you can get that many places that actually have engineering programs!</p>