<p>heyy yoo my chances RD CAS
Hey, here is the rundown:</p>
<p>Half-Persian/Half-Vietnamese [weird eh?]
SAT I- 740m/690v
SAT II- Writing: 700/ MathIIc: 670/ Math Ic: 670/ Bio M: 620 [sucks]
unweighted GPA: 3.6/4.0 rank: 23/315</p>
<p>will complete 8 AP classes by end of senior year including Calculus II at near-by college [dont no if this is considered most rigorous courseload?]</p>
<p>In school ECs:
-Principal's Student Advisory Board [selected by principal]
-DARE Role Model Leaders Program [selected by guidance faculty]
-President/Founder of Habitat for Humanity club
-New Jersey Science League: President of Chemistry League
-Debate Team: Secretary</p>
<p>OutofSchool ECs:
-YMCA Swim Instructor: 3 years, work 10 hours/week currently
-Improving Math Skills: President/Co-founder, tutuoring service for elemnentary schools kids
-Currently in Pre-Medical Honors Program at UMDNJ</p>
<p>Summer ECs
-YMCA Kynder-Camp Counselor: 9th and 10th summer
-Global Village Program, traveled to Alaska by myself to build homes for the needy [essay, great experience]: 11th summer
-Medical Apprenticeship, NJ Boys' State, YMCA instructor: 12th summer</p>
<p>i think my essays and recs are pretty good [people have also told me that]</p>
<p>what do u think?</p>