<p>heyy yoo my chances RD CAS
Hey, here is the rundown:</p>

<p>Half-Persian/Half-Vietnamese [weird eh?]
SAT I- 740m/690v
SAT II- Writing: 700/ MathIIc: 670/ Math Ic: 670/ Bio M: 620 [sucks]
unweighted GPA: 3.6/4.0 rank: 23/315</p>

<p>will complete 8 AP classes by end of senior year including Calculus II at near-by college [dont no if this is considered most rigorous courseload?]</p>

<p>In school ECs:
-Principal's Student Advisory Board [selected by principal]
-DARE Role Model Leaders Program [selected by guidance faculty]
-President/Founder of Habitat for Humanity club
-New Jersey Science League: President of Chemistry League
-Debate Team: Secretary</p>

<p>OutofSchool ECs:
-YMCA Swim Instructor: 3 years, work 10 hours/week currently
-Improving Math Skills: President/Co-founder, tutuoring service for elemnentary schools kids
-Currently in Pre-Medical Honors Program at UMDNJ</p>

<p>Summer ECs
-YMCA Kynder-Camp Counselor: 9th and 10th summer
-Global Village Program, traveled to Alaska by myself to build homes for the needy [essay, great experience]: 11th summer
-Medical Apprenticeship, NJ Boys' State, YMCA instructor: 12th summer</p>

<p>i think my essays and recs are pretty good [people have also told me that]</p>

<p>what do u think?</p>


<p>a good chance, but admissions are unpredictable.</p>

<p>for a reference, see how last years did at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>bummppppppp any1 else</p>

<p>anyone else???</p>


<p>Chicago Admissions are very unique and unpredictable. Your stats look in the "range" for chicago, but that is not the only variable the admissions look at. If you go to one of my posts: "To All Applicants: A Treat From Me"--you can take a peak into the admissions office and see how they choose whom to admit to Chicago.<br>
Other than that, if your essays are good--I would say you have given the best you can and hope for the fat envelope come around April.</p>