My chances?

<p>I'm in eighth grade and I was wondering if I could get an idea as to whether or not, based on my current academic accomplishments and future plans, I could get into a good college (specifically Harvard, Stanford, or CMU).</p>

<p>I took the SAT last year, here are my scores: MATH 800 CR 750 W 620 (I know, don't laugh, it's that bad)</p>

<p>I am essentially skipping ninth grade and will begin taking IB courses as a sophomore (epic unweighted GPA FTW!). My classes for next year are going to be tough :(.</p>

<p>I have had a 4.0 GPA throughout middle school and I attend a MS program only available to students who have scored in the 99th percentile in reading and math state tests. The program is extremely rigorous and is equal to that of a high school.</p>

<p>I do track and tennis. I plan on making the varsity track team in high school. I play tennis competitively and do USTA JR team tennis along with various tournaments.</p>

<p>I do mathcounts, science bowl, debate club, lego robotics, leadership squad, etc.</p>

<p>I have received a decent amount of academic awards, the most meritorious being:
Mathcounts state ranking - top 10
1st place in category state science fair (two years in a row)
National science fair qualifier (ranking TBA)
State spelling bee - 2nd place :(</p>

<p>If I manage a 4.0 (unweighted) GPA in high school with the classes I'm taking, attain a perfect SAT score (I didn't study for the initial one; I bet if I did I'd do a lot better), and maintain my extra-curriculars, would I have a chance at getting into one of the schools I listed?</p>