<p>So I applied on the very last day possible, August 1st, as a transfer student with 60 credit hours, for Fall 2011. This is me:</p>
<p>3 semesters at Tompkins Cortland Community College:
GPA: 3.84 (with 1 unexplained late withdrawal)
I was also vice president of scholarship in Phi Theta Kappa for 2 semesters. I was also in chess club, cognitive science films club, and philosophy discussion club. </p>
<p>Before then, 4 Semesters at University of Utah:
GPA: Less than 2.0</p>
<p>SAT Scores (from 4 years ago)
Reading: 520 (52nd percentile)
Math: 600 (75th percentile)
Writing: 600 (82nd percentile)</p>
<p>High School
GPA: 2.7</p>
<p>I also sent them a 4 page essay describing who I am (my passion for Psychology, academic drive, and how I changed after transferring from Utah to Tompkins)... however, the essay has one huge flaw: I never mentioned the school, or why I chose the school, once! I only talked about myself.</p>
<p>I am applying for their Psychology program, but because I'm applying so late, I don't even know if the program is full. If the program is full, would that mean they wouldn't accept me?</p>
<p>What are my chances?</p>