My Chances???

<p>So I applied on the very last day possible, August 1st, as a transfer student with 60 credit hours, for Fall 2011. This is me:</p>

<p>3 semesters at Tompkins Cortland Community College:
GPA: 3.84 (with 1 unexplained late withdrawal)
I was also vice president of scholarship in Phi Theta Kappa for 2 semesters. I was also in chess club, cognitive science films club, and philosophy discussion club. </p>

<p>Before then, 4 Semesters at University of Utah:
GPA: Less than 2.0</p>

<p>SAT Scores (from 4 years ago)
Reading: 520 (52nd percentile)
Math: 600 (75th percentile)
Writing: 600 (82nd percentile)</p>

<p>High School
GPA: 2.7</p>

<p>I also sent them a 4 page essay describing who I am (my passion for Psychology, academic drive, and how I changed after transferring from Utah to Tompkins)... however, the essay has one huge flaw: I never mentioned the school, or why I chose the school, once! I only talked about myself.</p>

<p>I am applying for their Psychology program, but because I'm applying so late, I don't even know if the program is full. If the program is full, would that mean they wouldn't accept me?</p>

<p>What are my chances?</p>


<p>I forgot to mention, I also sent them a letter of recommendation from one of my professors. He really liked me, so I expect it’ll be a really good letter!</p>

<p>Well, any thoughts?</p>

<p>I got in as a transfer with no EC’s and due to some **** in my family 2.7 GPA. Your in. Also if they programs full you will be accepted into the school it self but not that major for this semester. It will clearly say it on the letter. I think your in.</p>

<p>Just to be on the safe side, can somebody confirm or deny Evolve’s conclusion?</p>

<p>Honestly, no one here can guarantee your admission but you do seem qualified to get in. The only thing they can hold against you is the late application. That’d be the only reason if you’re denied. Just so you know, UB is now occupied in terms of housing. You will be placed on the waiting list should you be accepted. That is assuming you plan to live on campus. So you may want to look into off-campus apartments and such. </p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>