My Chances

<p>3.4 unweighted GPA but with a huge improvement junior year
2170 SAT 800 Critical Reading 710 Math 660 Writing
SAT II 750 Bio 730 Math 750 Physics
5 on Bio AP
taken/are taking AP Bio, Physics, Chem, Literature, Spanish, BC Calc
everything else all honors
Cross Country League All Star
Cross Country 3 Years
Track(both seasons) 4 years
Band 4 years, Officer and section leader last 2
2 Years Jazz Band
2 Years Science Team
1 Year Young Engineers
3 week Long community service trips</p>

<p>My grades have also improved senior year taking all APs
but they will only see 1rst quarter because I am applying priority notification</p>

<p>The huge improvement junior year will help you. Keep up the work this year. As always, have another school as a safer choice.</p>