My Chances???

Hi! so I’m a little anxious cause I have only heard back from two universities, Coastal Carolina and Clemson. I got into Coastal with scholarship but I didn’t get into Clemson so now I want to know my chances of getting into UW Madison.
I live in Germany and attend a bilingual school but I’m originally from Maryland (I moved after 9th grade). My grades suffered in 10th grade cause I didn’t speak ANY German but then I did better.

My SAT is 1250, I know it’s not that good
My weighted GPA in 9th grade was 4.04. In Germany, last year and this year I have about a 8/10 average (in our school a 8.5 would be equivalent to A cause I’m in a European Bac. school, which is known to be harder than IB ). This is a AAB/ABB in British A-marks, I’m not sure what it is in GPA but you can kinda get an image of what my grades are like.

I have 10 classes (all are EB) and my advanced classes are Chemistry, Math, Biology and Philosophy.

I’m very involved, I have volunteered over 70 hours, In club “once upon a prom”, in “best buddies”, head of prom committee, MUN, 5 medical related unpaid internships, volunteer biology tutor and I have played piano for about 10 years.

I also speak 3 languages fluently, English, German and Farsi and I’ve taken the Diplôme d’études en langue française(DELF) in A2 level so I am also good in French.

So what are my chances? Please be honest, better to prepare myself if I really don’t have a chance… Thanks for any help!

UW uses the unweighted gpa. With your stats you will just have to wait and see.