My chances?

Income 50k a year
First Generation Male
Asian but I am Vietnamese  emphasize with VSA camp
I was born in Vietnam
Public School


Hospital volunteer (10 – 12)
Dentist Internship (9 – 12)
Piano (6 years old – 12) + Trophies all 1st place
Private Flute Lessons ( 5th grade – Senior Year)
OCAD (academic decathlon) (9 – 12) ~ team placed 2nd for 3 years.
Earth Club (9 – 12) + Publicity officer
Pink Ribbon (11 – 12) + VP Jr. Year / P Sr. Year
Track and Field (9 – 12)
Musical (11 ; only offered every 2 years and try out based; minor character)
CSF (2nd half of Freshmen – 12)
School’s top choir group (Vocal Ensemble; try out-based group)… I had solos too</p>

Aunt’s shop (10 -12)
OC Register Newspaper (11 – 12)</p>

<p>“other things”:
took 3 day trip to San Francisco and marched in the Chinese New Years parade with school music group (10)
helping Senator in the state with his campaign (11-12)
Vietnamese Student Association Leadership Camp every summer (9-12)</p>

GPA: 3.4 unweighted 3.6 weighted (top 15%)</p>

4 honors; 2 AP.
Only 4 Honors offered at my school. And 11 AP. </p>

<p>5 AP’s SENIOR YEAR.</p>

<p>I also took a community college class on health, because I love health and nursing is related to it.</p>

<p>SAT: 2010 (M: 800 W: 760 CR: 450)  retaking</p>

<p>Sat Subject: US History (720) Biology (690) Math 2 (630) </p>

<p>AP Biology (4) US (3)</p>

<p>Awards: 1st place trophy at piano school since 6th grade – Jr year. One every 2 years.
School Principals Award (2 so far)</p>

<p>La Quinta Honor Roll Award</p>

<p>Should I take ACT?</p>

<p>You might want to consider taking the ACT.
the average sats for BC for the class of 2014 were 610-700 for CR, 640-730 math, and 630-720 writing. You would just have to get your CR up substantially.
So, you have a shot if you increase your scores</p>

<p>Yes, I agree with georgie. You should try the ACT. It would also be helpful to get your GPA up. </p>

<p>I know a guy with a 3.7 UW and a 3.9 W and a 2250 SAT. If he had applied to the School of Nursing, he would might been accepted first round. He was on the waitlist, but had already moved on before being contacted by them. BC’s loss - he is an amazing kid and would have been an asset to the class and the college.</p>

<p>Good luck to you.</p>