Income 50k a year
First Generation Male
Asian but I am Vietnamese emphasize with VSA camp
I was born in Vietnam
Public School
Hospital volunteer (10 12)
Dentist Internship (9 12)
Piano (6 years old 12) + Trophies all 1st place
Private Flute Lessons ( 5th grade Senior Year)
OCAD (academic decathlon) (9 12) ~ team placed 2nd for 3 years.
Earth Club (9 12) + Publicity officer
Pink Ribbon (11 12) + VP Jr. Year / P Sr. Year
Track and Field (9 12)
Musical (11 ; only offered every 2 years and try out based; minor character)
CSF (2nd half of Freshmen 12)
Schools top choir group (Vocal Ensemble; try out-based group)
I had solos too</p>
Aunts shop (10 -12)
OC Register Newspaper (11 12)</p>
<p>other things:
took 3 day trip to San Francisco and marched in the Chinese New Years parade with school music group (10)
helping Senator in the state with his campaign (11-12)
Vietnamese Student Association Leadership Camp every summer (9-12)</p>
GPA: 3.4 unweighted 3.6 weighted (top 15%)</p>
4 honors; 2 AP.
Only 4 Honors offered at my school. And 11 AP. </p>
<p>5 APs SENIOR YEAR.</p>
<p>I also took a community college class on health, because I love health and nursing is related to it.</p>
<p>SAT: 2010 (M: 800 W: 760 CR: 450) retaking</p>
<p>Sat Subject: US History (720) Biology (690) Math 2 (630) </p>
<p>AP Biology (4) US (3)</p>
<p>Awards: 1st place trophy at piano school since 6th grade Jr year. One every 2 years.
School Principals Award (2 so far)</p>
<p>La Quinta Honor Roll Award</p>
<p>Should I take ACT?</p>