My college list thus far...ADVICE

<p>Hey everyone, so I'm a senior in highschool right now. I'm a pretty good student, but you probably wouldn't be able to tell if you looked at the numbers. </p>

<p>I'm a U.S Permanent Resident going to school overseas. My high school is fairly new (15 years) but that's not bad for an international school. Everyone either goes to a four year university or takes a gap year. But we've gotten some great schools, and are fairly well known for the dynamic, inspired, fun, liberal kids that go here. (So I'm looking for something similar in college) I'm also an IB Diploma Candidate, so I am taking challenging courses: English A1 HL, History HL, ITGS HL, Environmental Studies SL, Math Studies SL, Chinese B SL and Theory of Knowledge and of course my FAVORITE- the EE. I'm at about a 36/45 right now. I hope to get a 39/45 for my Final IB grade.</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Race: Black</p>

<p>GPA: 5.3/7.0 UW
ACT: 24
SAT: 1800's for practices
SAT II: World History-700 Chinese With Listening-680 </p>

<p>International Awards:
European Council of International Schools Award for International Understanding
International Youth Award/Duke of Edinburgh Award- Silver Recipient
International Youth Award/Duke of Edinburgh Award- Bronze Recipient</p>

Pro Farmer Project- A fair trade organization that is completely student run. We sell our own brand of organic coffee to help benefit farmers in China.
Model United Nations- 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grade
Dance Troupe- 10th grade
School Productions- 10th grade (Dancer, Dramatic Shorts- "Lazy Noon") 11th grade (Actor, "Oh What A Lovely War"), 12th grade (Actor, "Love of the Nightingale)
School Choir- 11th grade, 12th grade (Performed Mozart's Requiem junior year)
Crew for school stage productions: 10th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade
Writer School Newspaper- 11th grade, 12th grade
Sunday School Teacher @ Church- 9th grade, 10th grade, 12th grade
School's Outdoor Excursion Group: Hiking, Kayaking, Camping- 10th grade, 11th grade
Student Council- 11th grade, 12th grade
Volunteer at an Orphanage- 9th grade and 10th grade</p>

Babysitting work: Summer of 2008 and Fall of 2009
Tutoring Math & English: November 2008 to March 2009</p>

Timeout Magazine </p>

<p>I am super-duper involved, a pretty good writer (thus the Timeout thing) My counselor says that my list looks pretty good, and that I have a great mix of schools. I need another "cushy" "safer" school though. While my grades are good, my SAT's are not stellar. She said not to worry about it though- because she feels as though the rest of my application will be great. </p>

<p>My List:
Brown University- So far away it'll take me a space shuttle to get it.
Tufts University- Reach, But I'm a legacy...?
Wesleyan University-Reach
Mount Holyoke College-??? Reach
Colgate University-Possible
Hamilton College-Possible
Union College-Possible
Clark University- Likely
Wheaton College (MA)- Likely</p>

<p>So I need another Likely/Safety. Any suggestions...I would prefer LAC's or small Universities, in either suburban or rural environments.</p>

<p>FYI my school divides it into the following categories by looking at each students chances holistically:
Far Reach- Under 15% chance
Reach- 15-30% chance
Possible- 30-50% chance
Likely- 50-70% chance
Safety- 70-100% chance</p>

<p>Will you be taking the ACT again?</p>

<p>Can you also take the SAT - you may do better on that. :)</p>

<p>How much will your parents pay each year? This may largely determine where you should apply and what will be affordable.</p>

<p>Do you know what your GPA translates to on a 4.0 scale?</p>

<p>I would prefer LAC’s or small Universities, in either suburban or rural environments.</p>

<p>What else do you want in a university?</p>

<p>quiet campus? spirited campus with sports to watch? </p>

<p>Warm weather? cold snowy weather?</p>

<p>If you’re able to raise your scores a bit, would a larger school with a more intimate honors college interest you?</p>

<p>What is your likely major? Career?</p>

<p>Once we know what your financial situation is, we can properly recommend safeties that will be affordable as well as ones that will accept you. :slight_smile: A safety isn’t a safety if you’re not CERTAIN that it will be affordable. :)</p>

<p>BTW…you sound like a fascinating student with broader experiences than most kids! </p>

<p>One last thing…are you certain that your residency status has not been hurt by not currently living in the US?</p>

<p>Are you a resident of any particular state?</p>

<li><p>No I will not take the ACT again</p></li>
<li><p>I will be applying for financial aid, as my parents can only afford to pay about 20,000$ a year for college(I think)…which Isn’t alot of money. My parents policy is more or less, “If you get into a great school we will go to the financial extremes for you, but we are not paying a lot of money for a school we haven’t heard of before.” They want their money’s worth. </p></li>
<li><p>I think it translates to a 3.5 UW but I’m not 100% sure as none of the conversion scales were quite accurate. </p></li>
<li><p>I’d want a campus where alot was happening, certainly not a “suitcase school” I think passionate students and faculty would be great. Alot to do on campus during the weekends particularly in the arts arena. I have alot of school spirit- but I am not overly athletic. I’d like to be able to catch a game- even if it’s an obscure sport like bromball. Certainly not a campus that’s too quiet, but it shouldn’t be all “Animal House” either. Students should be more interested in learning than making the grade. </p></li>
<li><p>The weather isn’t really a deciding factor, my family’s from upstate new york so I’ve had my share of the cold. Warm weather is great too.</p></li>
<li><p>I have residency in New York/ I’m not sure what the policies are though because I never attended high school there.</p></li>
<li><p>I’d like a school where I can get into the Social Sciences/Humanities. Right now I’m looking at IR, or East Asian Studies/Asian Studies.- I’m not on a pre-professional path right now, and I wouldn’t want to go to a school surrounded by students with pre-professional majors. </p></li>

<p>Thank you so much :slight_smile:
I’m feeling better already</p>

<p>*2. I will be applying for financial aid, as my parents can only afford to pay about 20,000$ a year for college(I think)…which Isn’t alot of money. My parents policy is more or less, “If you get into a great school we will go to the financial extremes for you, but we are not paying a lot of money for a school we haven’t heard of before.” They want their money’s worth. *</p>

<p>This may be a problem because FA isn’t based on what your parents “say” they can/will pay. FA is based on income/assets.</p>

<p>For instance, your FAFSA EFC may be $45k, but if your parents will only pay $20k, then that will be a problem since FA isn’t going to give you money to cover that $25k shortfall.</p>

<p>Right now, your stats aren’t likely high enough for the schools that give the best aid. Most school cannot give much aid. </p>

<p>You need to find out what your likely FAFSA EFC will be and what your CSS Profile likely family contribution will be…</p>

<p>FA Calc<br>
[FinAid</a> | Calculators | Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and Financial Aid](<a href=“Your Guide for College Financial Aid - Finaid”>Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Calculator - Finaid) Do both methodologies</p>

<p>Talk to your parents. Find out what your likely EFC is. They have to understand that your stats are low for the schools that have aid to give. You say that you “think” they will pay $20k per year. You need a firm number from them. </p>

<p>You say that they will pay for a school that they’ve heard of. Would they pay for a SUNY?</p>

<p>For instance…
At Colgate…</p>

<p>The middle 50% of students have ACTs of</p>

<p>ACT Composite: 29 - 32 </p>

<p>So, with an ACT 24 you’re at the very bottom of the class - unlikely to be admitted. Typically that’s where special students (athletes) are admitted.</p>

<p>If your GPA is in the 3.5 range with your current ACT score or projected SAT score, many of the colleges on your list are extreme reaches. In particular, your chances of admission to Brown, Tufts, Wesleyan, Hamilton and Colgate, would be very unlikely. </p>

<p>You may want to look at some of the test optional colleges at [The</a> National Center for Fair & Open Testing | FairTest](<a href=“”> There are some outstanding colleges and LAC’s on the list and many of them tend to place a higher emphasis on your EC’s and background, which are a real strength for you. You may want to look at Franklin & Marshall and Muhlenberg, both test optional, and DePauw. These both seem to be possible fits.</p>

<p>I almost hate to bring this up, but, a lot depends on whether you are a U.S. citizen living abroad or whether you’re a U.S. resident alien – who likewise, is living someplace other than the U.S. temporarily? I raise this because some schools would count you as a URM while others might only include you as an international.</p>

<p>This is alot to think about. Yeah I know that alot of the schools are far reaches. It’s terrible really. Thanks for the help though :)</p>

<p>Don’t give up; I didn’t mean to be pessimistic. Someone of African heritage who speaks fluent Chinese makes a compelling candidate, no matter how you slice it.</p>