<p>..because of sitting by the computer for days,hours and searching and hoping "to feel" MY perfect match college..at the moment-no emotions..</p>
<p>still I made a new search with creterias that ar the most important for me:
study abroad program
international aid
international sudies</p>
<p>i could complete this list with creterias like:
urban,supburn area,languages,medium or big school
but im afraid to be too picky and miss the ONE college for me</p>
<p>can a city kind of person can be happy in a rural area college?</p>
<p>oh god,what was i thinkin..if id only be the best in my class and learning in my contries best school it be soo much easier i guess..just to send the applications to the best colleges and its done!!</p>
<p>but im average academicly..so i hve to think extra for things like:
what if its stupid to spend money sending application to colleges that could be way too good for me?
what if asking for finacial aid can change colleges desition wheather to accept me or not?</p>
<p>but for now.. here's my list according to the search mentioned above:</p>
<p>Colby C
Colgate U
Gettysburg C
Kenyon C
Knox C
Lafayette C
Lake Forest C
Lehigh U
Middlebury C
Mount Holyoke C
U Pennsylvania
Vassar C
Wellesley C </p>
<p>before i was also ineterested in:
macalester college
reed college
seattle cc
<p>but they didn appear according to my search</p>
<p>being average academicly but being a very active person and having exchange year as an experience is enough to try to apply to:
Colby C
Colgate U
U Pennsylvania
Vassar C</p>
<p>my plan B:
miami dade college
palm beach cc
seatlle cc</p>
<p>now my eyes do really heart..i need a sleep</p>
<p>so ofcourse id be glad to hear any comment about any of my issues!!!
thanks a lot guys!!
id never excpect such support!</p>