<p>i sent this game along with my application
will u guys please check this out and comment if i did the right thing
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/abhaymanandhar%5B/url%5D">http://www.geocities.com/abhaymanandhar</a>
<p>You have a lot of talent... definitely unique and a plus to have sent with your application. Assuming you are strong in academic/testing areas, I would feel confident about your chances. Good luck!</p>
<p>Sending something unique that displays efficiency and creativity at the same time definitely gives you an edge. I hope to see you there. ^.^</p>
<p>i was deferred from dartmouth ED.
i hope i will get in. im desperate for dartmouth.
they say that from 351 applicants deferred they will be taking less than 10 percent.
that is around 30 ppl.</p>
<p>do u have a hook? ie. sports, music, etc. something outta the world?</p>