<p>I dreamed that I got my scores from last week's MathII and Lit, and my scores were a 270 for Lit and a 390 for Math II O__O</p>
<p>lol, I once had this psychadelic dream that I got an 80 on PSAT math, but got like 5 wrong. Luckily, the first part of the dream came true =]</p>
<p>It’s okay, I’ve had similar dreams. </p>
<p>They’ve all come true.</p>
<p>I had a dream i got like a 160 on the PSAT. Waiting for Dec…</p>
<p>i had a dream where I had a 700 in crtl reading, 780 in math and 710 in writing. Math and writing seem believable but reading not so likely because I only got two 600s on reading and that was for practice tests and the rests were in 500s. On nov. 20 I hope my dream comes true. :)</p>
<p>Wait I remember one of mine.</p>
<p>I got like…
200 CR, 300 M, 250 Writing. Or something. But it added up to 2100… and I was disappointed in it. lol. (Which I wouldn’t have been! I was just going for 2000+.)</p>
<p>^ No wonder you got a 300 in math :P</p>
<p>I dreamed I got 800 on Math II and USH, but a 620 on Physics. It was worse than 200-300 range scores because it was plausible.</p>
<p>uh, you people are so weird lol. if i had a dream about hysterically low scores and woke up id just sock myself repeatedly in the head until i forgot what standardized tests are lol.</p>