My grades are slipping

<p>My grades are slipping and the whole situation has made me an emotional wreck. Everyday, it's either I'm all out crying, tearing up, or on the verge of tears. I had nearly perfect report grades freshman and sophomore year and now I'm getting Cs and barely getting any As. I just feel like my chances of getting into the schools I want to get into are quickly going down the drain. I've been struggling a lot with social anxiety and my self-esteem this year more than ever, but I'm not sure if that's the problem. I don't know what to do. I feel helpless because I don't know what's going on with me. It's third marking period and I don't have much time left to pull up my grades.</p>

<p>Sorry this is happening to you. Why are your grades going down? Are your classes just harder this year, do you have more obligations outside of school, are you feeling more down and less motivated…?</p>

<p>I’m having the same problem, but I’m a freshman trying to get into boarding schools. I’m not sure what it is for me… I’ve had a lot of family and personal problems to deal with, but somehow I was able to deal with those better last year. It may have been because I was taking Zoloft (an antidepressant). My mom is trying to make me take it again, but I’m really against taking medicine (ironic being that nearly everyone in my family is a doctor or nurse), but I don’t know what to do. I hope things start getting better for you, but I honestly don’t know what to say. Sorry I have no advice to give.</p>

<p>I actually have very few obligations outside of school. I’m in 4 school clubs which meet infrequently. My classes are harder this year. I’m definitely feeling more down and less motivated. Most days I just don’t feel like doing anything.</p>

<p>A lot of times the more successful you feel, the more you’re motivated to work, and the better you actually are. And the better you are, the more successful you’ll feel. So really, if you want to do better, all you have to do is start off the cycle of confidence.</p>

<p>How to do that:
0) Forgive yourself for the grades you already have, and just focus on doing better from here on out. You made As your first two years. I know you can do well, you’re just stuck in a rut right now. Don’t start beating yourself up or saying you’re a failure or any of that nonsense. You’re still the same person you were before. Remember that.</p>

<p>1) Action is comforting. If you’re doing something to pull up your grades, you’ll feel less helpless. And your grades will be more likely to actually go up. So all you have to do is set a goal, and make a plan to achieve it. (Don’t set a final grade as your goal. Grades are just a letter on a paper, and they can depend on a lot of factors that aren’t you. Make it your goal to turn in every assignment, or fully understand Newton’s Laws of Motion, or finish your essay three days before the deadline. These sorts of goals are more real, and more easily correlated to concrete actions you can take.)</p>

<p>2) Figure out how you’re going to achieve your goal. Don’t be vague. Think of specific things you can do, like “study three hours a day at these specific times,” or “go ask the teacher for tutoring on Monday.” Make sure they’re realistic, as in don’t say you’re going to study five hours a day because you won’t and when you fail you’ll just get depressed.</p>

<p>3) When you achieve one of these little goals, you’ll start feeling better about yourself because you’ll have accomplished something. Celebrate these accomplishments. The more you celebrate them, the more capable you’ll feel of tackling bigger tasks. Don’t feel bad if you’re not getting straight 100s right away, even a five-point improvement is something to celebrate and be proud of.</p>

<p>4) Lather, rinse, repeat. Once you get back into the swing of things you’ll do better and better. I know you will. And then you’ll feel so great about improving yourself you’ll want to work even harder.</p>

<p>5) And by the way, exercise can really make you feel a lot better. It’ll make you excited and energetic and make you want to do stuff more. And if you’re not getting enough sleep, please do so, because sleep deprivation will just make you depressed. You especially don’t want to fall into a rut where you don’t get enough sleep because you’re finishing your homework, and you can’t finish your homework because you’re too tired. So if you’re going to make a plan to do better, the first items on your list should be getting 8 hours of sleep a night and exercising regularly.</p>

<p>…Gee, that was surprisingly long. o.0 I just got out of one of these ruts myself so I have a lot to say about it.</p>

<p>Totally agree with fizix2.</p>

<p>I just want to say that exercising regularly do help with depression and a lot of stuff. Run around your neighborhood for a little while, and you are going to feel good hours after. </p>

<p>If you play an instrument, then spend sometime playing it. Although it can’t really make your grades go up, but it will help to make you feel better.</p>

<p>And the other thing is to get off the computer. Internet can sometimes make people depressed and definitely make people waste a lot of time.</p>

<p>Hey man my grades are slipping too.
I have a 96 in gov
I have a 97 in latin lit
I have a 98 in phil orch
I have a 105 in calc bc
I have a 100 in euro
I have a >!?!?!? in lit.
Srsly… can someone send me some advice i’m going to start crying.</p>

<p>edit - ok yeah this is, erm, sorta rude, but for some reason I assume that everyone on here is a senior so their second semester grades don’t count that much, lol, soooooo ignore me.</p>

<p>wow that really was rude INVENIAMVIAM. People like you make disgrace the name of CC. Pathetic.</p>

<p>Calc BC as a senior?</p>

<p>Pfft. You should be crying. </p>

<p>…Just kidding!! [noparse]:)[/noparse]</p>

<p>^^You can’t make disgrace. You simply disgrace. </p>

<p>And the name of CC wasn’t in any state of grace, and therefore cannot be disgraced. It can be *defiled<a href=“besmirched,%20degraded,%20etc.”>/I</a>, though, if that’s what you were looking for.</p>

<p>To the OP. I think that if you get your self-esteem and emotional health back in check, your grades should go up. It doesn’t appear to be inability that is causing the drop in your grade; rather your emotional state is getting in the way of you reaching your full potential. If you think it is serious, go to a counselor and seek help.</p>

<p>You should see a clinical or educational psychiatrist. It helps a lot in some cases.</p>

<p>Is your [child</a> failing school](<a href=“]child”>Keep Your Child from Failing in School | Empowering Parents)? Did he started out full of enthusiasm, but now his grades are slipping, his attitude is bad and he seems to be falling through the cracks. If your child has hit a slump midway through the school year, you are not alone. Here is some advice for you today on what you can do now to get your child back on track.</p>

<p>^Are you a spammer? If so, you are a lousy one.</p>

<p>OMG me too! I’m getting 75% test averages even though I get 95% quiz averages, note that the quizzes are harder then the tests. The reason why I do poorly on tests is because of the wording, reading comprehension, and most of it is vocabulary conceptual material. I have all the characteristics of a CC or nerd, except the exceptional grades and AP/IB classes!</p>

<p>Wait how does the internet make you depressed? It actually destresses me and I feel better after I vent online for 15 minutes!</p>