<p>Hi everyone, I'm currently in 8th grade!</p>
<p>I was wondering if you could give me advice about my schedule!</p>
<p>Male, Asian-American
Intended Major: Double Major in Biomedical Engineering and Business</p>
<p>Current 8th grade schedule:
Biology Honors
Chemistry Honors
Geometry Honors
Spanish II Honors
Language Arts
American History
Math Research</p>
<p>Intended 9th grade schedule:
AP Biology
English Honors
AP World History
AP Environmental Science
Algebra II (Honors)
<p>Intended 10th grade schedule:
AP Chemistry
English Honors
AP European History or AP Human Geography
Pre-Calc (Honors)
Latin I
<p>Intended 11th grade schedule:
AP Physics
AP Calculus AB/BC
AP United States History
AP Latin: Vergil
AP Language
Orchestra </p>
<p>Intended 12th grade:
Multivariable Calculus (at college)
Some Science Course AP/College Level (undecided)
AP Literature
AP US Comparative Government
AP Macro/Micro
Orchestra/ AP Music Theory</p>
<p>I strive to go to Yale University!!
EC's: Piano, Violin, Math Competitions, "Brain Bowl" (Quiz Bowl), SGA (Student Council), Beta Club, maybe more, can't think of them at this time, though</p>
<p>Thanks for reading! :D</p>
<p>How can you already have two intended majors? You haven’t had enough time to really figure out what you’re interested in, or do research on your intended majors? How do I know this? Because Yale doesn’t offer an undergrad business major. Enjoy high school, discover your interests, and by the end of your high school career you will have a better idea of potential majors. I don’t think any 8th grader in the entire world is ready to declare a major. I didn’t even look through your schedule or ECs but make sure that you are involved with classes or ECs that you are interested in - not what you think will look good to admissions officers. 2 or 3 passionate ECs will look better than simply being a member of 8 different clubs. Good luck and enjoy high school.</p>
<p>First of all, thanks so much for the advice! 
Second, I didn’t know that Yale didn’t have a undergrad business major… So frustrating! Just kidding haha.
In addition, I’m kind of a studyholic and I really enjoy learning about both high school and college life. Especially since my sister is currently in a college, too.</p>
<p>In all honesty, I enjoy almost everything I do; that was why I planned to do a double major (I’m kind of indecisive, because I enjoy almost every class out there)</p>
<p>Furthermore, my ECs were not because of friends, family, etc. I chose them all because I had a great interest in them. Of course, I also play sports to keep healthy.</p>
<p>In middle school, most clubs don’t ask for much. Therefore, I feel that I cane enjoy multiple clubs without risk.</p>
<p>But I’ll consider everything you said.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>Hello, math guy!
I’m also an 8th grader, so I probably don’t have any useful information for you, but it seems like a good schedule to me! I wish my school let us take ap sciences without taking the corresponding Honors course as a prerequisite. Do you attend a private school?</p>
<p>I don’t understand how you expect to go from Latin 1 to AP Vergil in one year. That’s the biggest oddity in your plan, among many others.</p>
<p>I recommend AP Human Geography over AP European History. The AP Human Geography exam is quite simple, especially if you just read a prep book. Before the removed the -1/4 rule, I made a 4 by just reading an old Barron’s prep book. Plus, going from AP Euro to APUSH might be an awkward change in time and subject, methinks.</p>
<p>@Bassoonapus, Hi! It’s good to know that there are other 8th graders like me! Well, Biology and Chemistry are the Honors classes I am taking as prerequisites, but yeah, we can take AP physics w/o the honors, I’m pretty sure. Nope, I attend a public school, but our city is one of the areas for “better” schools in our state,in all honesty.</p>
<p>@TheKongo, Good point, sorry about that! Many of my high school friends have take classes similar to these, and I don’t see any other abberations in my schedule, but let me know some others :)</p>
<p>@JordanSaidWhat, Hello, I was thinking about AP HUG, but I thought that I would enjoy European history more. I agree about the “awkward” transition, but many of my friends have went from AP Euro to APUSH. Thanks for the advice :)</p>
<p>oh freshmen</p>
<p>it’s great that you’re studious and trying to plan ahead, but focus on your current ECs and classes for now. I guarantee that plan of your is going to change a lot. it’s good that you’re looking ahead, but don’t become too focused on that, and make sure you stay flexible.</p>
<p>If I were you, this is the schedule I would take your freshman year</p>
<p>Physics Honors
English Honors
AP Human Geography
Algebra II Honors
Spanish III Honors (Why did you drop this?)
<p>It’s much more realistic, and still advanced. I recommend you come back to this site when you’re picking your classes for sophomore year. You’re just wasting your time otherwise.</p>
<p>Looking at your schedule makes me feel like a chump. What kind of Middle School offers Chem and Biology Honors.</p>
<p>stop making plans and just live, dude. also, try to get laid once or twice.</p>
<p>@stressedouttt By freshmen, you mean 8th grade??? Thanks for the advice, I’ll try to maintain good grades and do well.</p>
<p>@TheKongo My Biology teacher coerced me into taking two science classes since I already took two, and other reasons. How come AP Human Geography? AP World History is more popular in my school, but I just want to know why.</p>
<p>@Soldiers No, you’re not a chump, I probably am BECAUSE I take two. But no, biology was offered this year, and I took Chemistry online, because… well, b/c I could :)</p>
<p>@Seahawk506 XD LOL I kinda don’t know what to say to this, but sure…</p>
<p>I’m telling you to chill out and realize that high school is more than just a stepping stone for college; it’s a highly important period in itself. The way you’re approaching this, you’re pigeonholing your entire four years and all your extracurricular interests into the sole goal of getting into a school with a 93% rejection rate- not to mention the fact that asian STEM males are a dime a dozen these days. Work hard in school and genuinely explore your interests, that’s it. I’m telling you this because the person who got into Harvard and Yale from our school just did debate but was passionate about it, and she had good writing skills. The guy who got rejected at both was the valedictorian who gamed his way through high school and probably planned out every course like you are. He didn’t do anything to distinguish himself from the high-achieving, string-instrument playing asians out there.</p>
<p>Chill. The. Fqxk. Out.</p>
<p>You’re. In. Eighth. Grade.</p>
<p>Just do it a year at a time, OK? Your interests may change, which is totally OK, and if that happens, you may/may not want to adjust this “plan” accordingly.</p>
<p>@Seahawks506, But what I’m saying is, I enjoy everything I do. My parents don’t make me do things, compared to other Asians. I feel like high school won’t be so important because the high school that I’m most likely going to is packed with 1200+ students, and they don’t have much sympathy for each individual. Besides, isn’t there a way to do both: enjoy school, plan for the future? It’s better to be prepared then not. And I enjoy having fun, too. Not as in playing Video Games for hours and hours but having social time, playing sports, making friends, etc.</p>
<p>@Lullies Nice language
Eighth. Grade. Is. A. Waste. Of. Time. Seriously, I’m not trying to say that I’m too good for my classes, which I know is DEFINITELY not true, but our teachers are not making us do much so that we can plan for high school</p>
<p>@akacesfan Hi!
I understand what you mean, just as well as the others, and maybe my schedule will turn out differently. I just made a schedule like that for the basic “structure” of my high school years. About my interests, I am enjoying what I am doing right now, I don’t do them because of college or anything (it doesn’t even count in middle school)</p>
<p>While I think it’s okay to be an overachiever, don’t beat yourself up too much and don’t stress too much. While some may disagree with me, I truly believe that there is more to life than school. Take it easy, and only take what you can handle. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. </p>
<p>Middle school days… lawlcat. To be so ignorant and naive again. ;-)</p>
<p>I think its great that you have developed interests! I also think its great that you are motivated about high school. Remember, highly motivated = highly successful. anyways, don’t try to plan everything out because things will change and other things will occur. Its good to set goals but don’t build yourself up on Yale to the point where you will have a meltdown if you receive a rejection letter. Not trying to crush your dreams, keep high hopes! Just, be careful. (Someone at my school had a very similar and horrific experience to what i just described and he was out of school for suicide watch). </p>
<p>Anyways, on a lighter note, I think your freshmen course load looks great. And so do the others, again, just make sure your flexible just in case you change your mind about something. Engineering is a great and challenging field to enter, they often end up well in term of success and in term of salaries, they dominate the charts! Business is also a great field. Happy to see a mathlete! </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>You’re in danger of academic burnout. Do you know what it’s like taking several AP’s at once? Nope. You’re willing to jump into that your first year of highschool? Maybe like one . . . but you must understand that if you fail miserably in those classes, or get left behind . . . the AP class will CERTAINLY be listed on your transcript . . . along with a horrible/mediocre grade. What does that show colleges when you apply?</p>
<p>AP Biology 9th Grade = HORRIBLE MISTAKE. It will not be like Honors Biology, as i assume you are thinking. Save AP Bio for later.</p>