My Journey to the Holy Number

<p>My goal is to get a 2400 this June.</p>

<p>I’m really feeling sluggish in my studying, and I’m hoping that by creating something along the lines of an “online journal”, I’ll be able to motivate myself and anyone else who’s also studying for the SAT. I’ve currently been hitting hard on math because that is my worst subject on the SAT (currently about a 640). If I can get anything along the lines of 750+, I’ll be content. The next subject I’ll be working on is writing because I feel like I just need to go over a few concepts, and I’ll be golden (current scores ranging between a 700-730). And then, finally, I’ll be working on CR, as my score ranges between a 730-750. I took the SAT as a sophomore and got a 2100, and now I’m a junior. </p>

<p>I’ll be sure to write my first “entry” tomorrow morning listing what I plan to be doing. Also, I’ve made a pledge to begin memorizing ten vocabulary words a day, so if you guys want to do it with me, that would be great! :) (I’m getting the words from Sparknotes 1000 VocabularyWords list). </p>

<p>Quizlet Link: Sparknotes</a> Words - 12/29/12 flashcards | Quizlet</p>

<p>Sincerely yours,

<p>Wish you all the best :slight_smile: By the way, I am an International Student so I don’t understand what you guys mean by Junior ?? Is it a grade in high school or something-grade 11 12? And wow I am envious of your CR dude- mine is from 660-730, and also my essay sucks. Anyway, I like that spirit of yours :)</p>

<p>What are you doing for sat math? What books, etc…</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-I535 using CC</p>

<p>Good luck lol.</p>

<p>Wow, can’t believe that it’s been over two days since I last posted on this thread. Been really starting to pick up on my studying and especially my math though :).</p>

<p>Just took one math section from an official SAT test I have, and I got six wrong - terrible :mad:. My goal is to get about 3 wrong per section in a weeks time. No excuses.</p>

<p>If some of you guys want to try out the questions I got wrong (and explain them to me :slight_smile: ), here they are:</p>

<p>[Unfettereddreamz</a> -](<a href=“]Unfettereddreamz”></p>

<p>Feel free to scroll though all of the questions and pick and choose!</p>

<p>For the next hour or so, I’m going to over the math questions I got wrong in this section, and then on to vocabulary on Quizlet!</p>

<p>BTW, I highly recommend that for anyone struggling in math (getting a math score of 200-750), to get this Barron’s book. The math section of this Barron’s book is tremendously helpful :slight_smile: </p>

<p>[</a> Barron’s SAT (Barron’s Sat (Book Only)): Sharon Weiner Green M.A., Ira K. Wolf Ph.D.: Books](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>No. 20: First start by expanding (x+y)^2. Using your foil method, you get x^2 + 2xy + y^2. Rearrange this to x^2 + y^2 + 2xy. X^2 + y^2 = a, and xy is equal to a-10. So plug in these values. a + 2(a-10) = 3a - 20.</p>

<p>No. 18: anything to the negative power is the same thing as one over the same number to the postive power I.e 1/x^y = 1/8, meaning x^y = 8. Well one value that works is 2^3, so x = 2, y = 3. Then on the second equation, you’re left with 3^z = 243. You could use logs to solve this, or just plug in numbers into z until you get 243 and you’ll find that z = 5. Then x + z = 2 + 5 = 7.</p>

<p>No. 17: In an isosceles triangle, the height of the triangle can be calculated using Pythagoras’ theorem since it’s a property of isosceles triangles that the height bisects the base. So you have 3^2 + x^2 = 5^2; 9 + x^2 = 25. solve and get x = 4. So now do the base * height/2 formula for area, and get 6*4/2 = 12.</p>

<p>No. 16: If 7 people watched neither, you can subtract them away from the total sample of the surveyed since you’re trying to find out who watched both. so there are 71 people in total who watch either one or both of the shows, and 56 who watch program x and 42 that watch program y, adding to a total of 98. 98-71 = 27.</p>

<p>No. 11: It says assume there are 180 days of school and 5 days per week, and the chart gives you the info per week. So first find out how many school weeks there are in the school year: 180/5 = 36. In 9th grade, they spent 36<em>5 hours, in 10th grade they spent 36</em>6.75 hours…and so on. Add those all up for the total amount of hours spent in high school on homework, and you get 1080.</p>

<p>No one else wants to join me on this journey? You guys, please feel free to update what you’re up to, what you’re studying, your goals, etc… :)</p>

<p>Goal is at least 2000 this January. </p>

<p>Got PWN the SAT today and already 60 pages in. Aiming for at least 700 in both math and writing. Reading will vary. Currently going over DH. </p>

<p>Hope I reach my goal. Got a pretty discouraging score from my Dec. test.</p>

<p>I had a journey from the beginning of last summer.</p>

<p>My base score was 2060.
I worked through the summer till Dec. 1, when I got a 2350.</p>

<p>Although I missed a 2400 by 2 questions, I still managed the journey.</p>

<p>Any score improvement is possible</p>

<p>I’m in for the journey!</p>

<p>Currently getting 2100-2150ish, really need 2200+ on January exam!!</p>