My List: Need more Matches

<h2>I am still in the process of creating my college list. There are a lot of colleges that I like and want to apply to, but I think I need more matches... </h2>

<p>My stats:
Female, Hispanic, Public NYC school
average (weighted): 98.7
rank: 3/700something
SAT: 2040: V- 670 M- 670 W-700
SAT II: Bio- 640 US History- 690 Spanish- 760</p>

<p>AP courses:
spanish language- 5
european history- 3
art history- 4
biology- 3
calculus b/c- 1/2
us history- 4
english language- 4
This year:
Chemistry, US Government & Politics, English Lit., Statistics</p>

<p>ECs: (my weakest point)
Arista Honor Society (11th and 12th)
Law Team (12th grade)</p>

Tutor/assistant teacher: october-present
camp counselor: summer 2005
babysitting/tutor: sept. 2004-june 2005
camp counselor: summer 2004</p>

<h2>assistant teacher: july 2003-march 2004</h2>

<p>Schools considering:
CUNYs, CUNY Honors (for Baruch), SUNY Binghamton, NYU (maybe Stern, still not sure if i have a chance), BostonU (school of management), BostonC (Carroll), Columbia, Cornell, UPenn, Fordham, Syracuse</p>

<p>I think most of these are reaches for me... I'm probably going to major in something business-related (accounting, finance, or economics) because I'm hoping to get into IBanking afterwards.
Any schools you think would be macthes that are good for business? Or any schools that would be matches period? (i'm also thinking about majoring in history).
I want to stay in the northeast, prefer private schools. As for big/small, suburban/city, i really don't have a preference.</p>

<p>Because you're Hispanic, your reaches are probably matches</p>

<p>my chances might be better than they would be if i weren't hispanic, but i'd still say most of the schools are reaches.</p>

<p>Relax. You have plenty of safeties and matches on you list. Try to decide where you really want to go and concentrate your efforts on those schools. Contact the departments and make some visits.</p>