My Pathetic Life

<p>I opened my mail box...and there was this big white envelope from New York University. I instantly knew that I got in. :) a big white envelope, familiar Matti and Unreal? :)</p>

<p>well yes and I then drove to my school and screamed "I got in!" well more than that. I opened it up in front of my history teacher. </p>

<p>"We welcome you to McGee's information session."</p>

<p>I was like...what the phuck?...</p>

<p>Yup I still did not get it from New York University.</p>

<p>Anyone got an acceptance or rejection today?</p>

<p>I gave up.</p>

<p>me neither dude =/ </p>

<p>i was paranoid enough to wait outside for the freaking mailman to show up.</p>

<p>good luck to you</p>

<p>Haha, they are playing with our minds</p>

<p>No letter today for me</p>

<p>ok we are done basically. I am really going to beat the **** ouf of my mail man if i receive a rejection...</p>

<p>Yep nothing here either. Bummer.</p>

<p>everyone who did not get a decision letter yet post your stats and school</p>

<li>school you applied to</li>
<li>state you live in</li>

660 writing, 720 math 1 c, i took world history too but it's too late to submit
i have a horrible GPA so...2.4, 3.2, 3.7, 3.633 <-senior q1
the school of social work
northern new jersey</p>

<li>600 630 640 660</li>
<li>New York</li>

<p>uh oh...this doesn't look so good so far...anyone with good stats who is still waiting?...</p>

<p>You're annoying. Calm the **** down.</p>

<p>:( yes i want to calm donw...but ...i can't..</p>

<p>ahhhhhhh.... I feel so bad for u with that envelope- that's such a tease... still in the game though</p>

<p>i know how you feel. i hope you get the official big, white fat envelope soon, kjayson :)</p>

<p>You'll be fine.</p>

<p>If I get rejected here is my big plan:</p>

<li>Take a big long a$$ knife.</li>
<li>and tear apart the rejection letter.
*no, I will not commit suicide, really.</li>

<p>1430 (710V/720M)
4.13 GPA

<p>jason_v2, you just gave me some confidence ha-ha :)
thank you. are you the Korean kid whom I talked over AIM?</p>

<li>3.75 uw; 4.4 w gpa</li>
<li> MD</li>

<p>yea right, really? i thought tisch was like...up there with Stern</p>

<p>which is exactly why im gonna get rejected</p>