My situation, current college student in need of help

<p>I used to attend a community college in my home city. I had left the college in the middle of the Spring 2010 semester. I left because I was taking a math course (it was basic college Math). I went to see about getting tested with the college's diagnostician & she told me that I would have to wait to April to get testing done due to the long waiting list.</p>

<p>That was unacceptable considering that April was almost near the end of the semester. I went to the school's tutoring center for Math (The tutoring center for Math was beyond mediocre and sub-par, I kid you not. They have computers there that students are to use for Math tutoring and I would go there & see students using the computers for Facebook and Myspace, I use social networking websites but I know when & where to use them).</p>

<p>I am a student that takes my education serious so that made me upset. When I tried to contact Baltimore City's Public School System, they told me that I had to contact the high school that I had graduated from to get my psychological evaluation </p>

<p>(I know that I have a LD with Math since I was a special education student from elementary school through high school). The high school that I graduated from told me that they could not find my records because they had moved (which they did).</p>

<p>Since I was attending my former CC with financial aid, I have to pay some monies back to them and I was thinking about disputing it. I'm on a waiting list to get free testing at a 4-year college in Baltimore that my new CC had referred me too. (I will have to wait for 8 months though but it's better than paying tons of money to go to a hospital) and if they do find that I still have a LD I would like to dispute it then.</p>

<p>I also became extremely depressed also & had to see a psychotherapist because of that. Things are better now that I will start classes at a much, much better community college in a surrounding county.</p>

<p>Is it a wise decision to dispute the bill?</p>

<p>Did you withdraw from all classes, not just the math class? If so you are probably out of luck. It is a federal rule that you have to repay financial aid if you completely withdraw from all classes before you complete a certain percentage of the semester. If you withdrew from all classes after federal aid was disbursed but before completing a the required % of the semester I doubt you will have much success in disputing this as the school has to repay the aid that was disbursed to you.</p>

<p>You need to get this sorted out as it may affect your eligibility for aid at your new school. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Yes, I withdrew from all of my courses (I was only taking two courses) but I have been awarded funds at my new college.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for your help.</p>