<p>Some programs base admission strictly on SAT scores. Others, which are usually better for the young people who really like a particular subject in depth, have application "quizzes" that are meant to be thought about for days or weeks at a time. </p>
<p>Note that many more young people deal with issues like this at approximately the same age for boarding school admission rather than for summer program admission. My son looked seriously at out-of-state boarding schools for the coming school year, but has decided he would rather do EPGY's new Online</a> High School and stay in town next year. A good friend of my son's from the summer program mentioned in this thread, who lives in a different town in our state, with fewer local resources for advanced study, went through with the boarding school application process and was admitted as a ninth grader for the coming school year at Andover and Exeter, choosing to attend Exeter. I know his parents wish he could find similar educational opportunities in the town where they now live, but they can't.</p>
<p>Our HS is going to do a pilot project with EPGY's online HS next year, and the plan now is for my son to do math this way, rather than taking a class. The timing was fortuitous, because I had planned to ask that he do EPGY math at home instead of taking math at school anyway. He is in 7th grade this year, taking 9th grade math with a group of accelerated 8th graders. The course is too slow for him - he whips off his homework in about 5 minutes each night and is not being challenged. Many of the other kids in the class have tutors in order to keep up, so there isn't much hope that this cohort will go any faster.</p>
<p>I've learned from several CC posters that acceleration in math isn't enough, and I'm also working on involving my son in math contests. He is not at the level of tokenadult's son or marite's son, and I'm not sure that he could qualify for a program as challenging as MathPath, but he needs much more than even our very good suburban MS/HS can provide.</p>
<p>CONGRATS to your son! I'm SO glad that everything worked out this way for him...sweating waitlists of any kind is stressful! ~b.</p>