<p>Hi, I need suggestions for the personal project for MYP and something that would get me a 7 out of 7.
Currently, i am thinking about designing a math textbook for 1st semester for 6th graders.
However, I don;t think it would be a great idea because it will consume too much time.
So please give suggestions!!
I am not good at any instrument nor sports, so i have to do something "nerdy" i guess.
So help!!</p>
<p>Build off that textbook idea, but I agree it’s too complicated. Maybe just design a chapter of a textbook? Or maybe go find a middle school and ask if you can teach math for a few days. Or maybe detail how you tutored students in math.</p>
<p>Most of the kids at my school did their MYP’s the night before.
Honestly, you can do anything (at least at my school).
We had people learning how to swim, creating pottery, comparing music genres, making dresses, and creating food.</p>
<p>Yeah, I did mine the night before… I did mine on my original oratory and used my ballots as evidence on how the topic impacted them / what they thought about the topic of first impressions.</p>
<p>I actually had the best project in my class. :)</p>
<p>wow, i guess I should do something way easier.
I was thinking of designing a chapter or the textbook for a quarter.
Or maybe a unit.
So… thanks a lot!!
But i’m still open to more ideas!!!</p>
<p>Well, speaking as someone whose project is due quite soon and has hardly started… do something easy. Focus on the essay. That’s what matters. Good luck.</p>
<p>Hey guys, i was just wondering if you could give me ideas for my topic for the personal project. I actually don’t need to start the process yet but i will have to this upcoming academic year, so i thought of using this summer effectively, just to get some ideas.</p>
<p>My biggest problem is that i don’t have any sort of clue of what i want my PP to be about, but i don’t want anything complicated because i want to focus on my essay for a large amount of time.</p>
<p>I am a swimmer and i enjoy it a lot, but because i know several students in my school have related their personal project to swimming, i find it would be kinda boring and unoriginal to do a similar thing.</p>
<p>I was thinking about making a sort of pictorial display or video about how people treat the environment (litter and garbage) since i live in Tanzania, and we don’t really have as many laws to conserve the environment, as other countries do. My only problem is how will i view these pictures to the locals in an accessable manner, and also how will my pictures change the way people conserve the environment. (as in, is it an effective way of portraying why we should conserve the environment.)</p>
<p>Then i was just thinking about medicine, although it is not of my greatest interest… But our family buisness is related to medicine because we own a pharmacy. I was just thinking if i could relate my personal project to something like this, except i don’t really have any good ideas of what i can actually do. Possibly something to do with HIV AIDS since it is a major problem, especially in Africa. Maybe raising awareness to the locals, about how to prevent HIV in a healthy manner. (quick idea: i could raise money from different sales and buy a few small TV’s for the most common pharmacies in the small town i live in this way i can display my movie or video- or i could just simply making it a write up or journal so i can hand it out hardcopy).</p>
<p>Lastly, I was thinking about doing something with the children at my Mum’s orphanage, and doing something with them (possibly teach them how to write) and sort of hold lessons for this because they are quite young. Or even do something with the staff at the orphanage becausee they are not very educated-since the locals usually don’t go to school because their families are unable to afford it or they believe that the women should stay home and clean while the men farm and raise money. So they are not very educated, therefore i could hold lessons for them for about 2 weeks (everyday) to possibly teach them about hygiene and cleanliness- this way they can use this knowledge when in the orphanage with the children there.</p>
<p>I am extremly sorry for writing so much, but if you could please just give me some advice about which idea to use. Or even develop an idea (or if you want propose me with a completely new one)
Thank you!</p>